최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

해외여행자들의 여행상비약 구비 경험 및 약국서비스 이용 의향

Overseas Travelers’ Experiences in Preparing Travel Medications and Willingness to Use Pharmacy Services

DOI : 10.17480/psk.2020.64.6.496
  • 48

With the increase in number of people traveling internationally, there is an increasing need for travel healthservices. Pharmacists assist travelers in preparing medications for prophylaxis or self-treatment for conditions that occurduring travel. This study was conducted to investigate experiences of overseas travelers in preparing travel medications andtheir willingness to get pre-travel services at the pharmacy. The survey was performed using self-reported type, 20-itemsquestionnaire. Adults with at least one overseas travel experiences during the past three years were enrolled from January17, 2019 to January 20, 2019. Data were analyzed to summarize the frequency of responses using Microsoft Excel 2019. Statistical differences in future pre-travel behavioral intentions based on respondents’ characteristics were determined usingIBM SPSS Statistics 21. Of 169 respondents, 71.0% had a habit of packing travel medications. Major medications thatthey packed were digestants (80.8%), analgesics (70.8%), wound healers (62.5%), antipyretics (58.3%), cold remedies(55.8%), and anti-diarrheas (45.8%). In total, 88.2% and 79.7% of respondents responded positively to future intentions topack travel medications and to get pre-travel consultation on travel medications at the pharmacy, respectively. People whohad experiences of on-site action during past travel to get medications to treat sickness showed significantly higherwillingness to get pre-travel consultation at the pharmacy than those who did have no action or no health problem ([oddsratio 3.80, (95% confidence interval 1.64-8.79). To provide effective pre-travel health consultation, pharmacist society needto promote people’s interest and discuss on travel medication-related tasks. This study suggests the addition of educationalprograms for pharmacists both in pharmacy school and continuing professional development curricula to advance theirknowledge on travel health.

서 론(Introduction)

연구 방법(Research Methods)

결 과(Results)

고 찰(Discussion)

결 론(Conclusion)
