This thesis explained how Japanese politicians recognized the issues of “historical perception and nationalism” and developed their historical policy. In the 21st century, Japanese right-wing politicians and conservative historians chose the line of historical revisionism, and Japan s perception of history was “right-wing”. This section explains the history of Japanese conservative politicians since the 1970s and the development of historical policies. While classifying prior studies related to the historical perception of Japanese conservative politicians, he examined the meaning of existing studies and explained that Japan s historical policy was developing a retroist policy in the process of reorganizing Japanese politics after the period of high growth. First, we looked at the trend of nationalism in the period of high growth and saw the historical perception of Japanese politicians. At that time, he pointed out that the rapid growth of the Japanese economy and the overwhelming victory of the Liberal Democratic Party had an effect on revitalizing the left and right nationalism. In addition, Nakasone explained the development of the conservative politics. At that time, he pointed out that the neoliberal reforms that were undertaken among the old conservatives started from the time of the Ohira Cabinet, but it was from the Nakasone regime that practically proceeded with policy and institutional reforms. Finally, it was pointed out that after the end of the Cold War, Japan began to pursue a strategy of becoming a great nation while strengthening its identity.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 문제인식과 선행연구
Ⅲ. 고도성장기 국가주의 동향과 역사인식
Ⅳ. 냉전기 일본 보수정치인들의 역사인식
Ⅴ. 냉전종식 이후 국가주의 확장과 역사인식 후퇴
Ⅵ. 나가면서