This study examined the research on “media language” published in ≪Social Linguistics≫ from the first issue to Volume 27(4) in the viewpoint of research history. First, the media s language was divided into ‘newspaper language’, ‘broadcasting language’ and ‘communication language’ and the published papers were classified by period. Then each paper s achievements were analyzed over time. After analyzing detailed research topics and approaches for each media language and their main flow, individual papers contents were reviewed. According to analysis results, the communication language research was most actively carried out during the same period. In the media language studies, he discussions were largely concerned with discourse analysis. discourse analysis. The communication language has also changed its aspect according to the change of the hardware and platform on which the communication is based. Media language research so far has focused on individual characteristics according to the unique properties of each medium. However recently, as 3 media such as newspapers, broadcasting and the Internet have been integrated into one, the media language research needs to be discussed from the viewpoint of “language integration.”
1. 머리말
2. ≪사회언어학≫으로 본 매체 언어 연구 동향 및 성격
3. 매체 언어 연구의 성과 분석
4. 문제점과 전망 및 과제