최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 정읍군의 민족운동과 사회운동

The Nationalistic Movements and the Social Movements in Jeongeup-gun in the 1920s

DOI : 10.29004/jkmch.2019.9.90.65
  • 139

1920년대 정읍군에서는 청년운동, 노농운동, 신간회운동 등 민족운동과 사회운동이 전개되었다. 1920년대 전반 정읍군에서는 7개면에서 8개의 청년회가 조직되었다. 이 시기에는 주로 정읍군의 중심지역에서 청년회가 조직되었는데, 특히 정읍면, 태인면, 고부면 청년회의 임원들은 대부분 옛 향리가의 부호와 지식인들이었다. 당시 청년회는 주로 야학개설, 강연회, 소인극, 음악회, 민립대학기성운동 등의 활동을 펼쳤으나, 얼마 가지 않아 침체상태에 빠졌다. 1925~1928년에는 그동안 청년회가 조직되지 않았던 외곽에서 사회주의의 영향을 받은 청년회들이 등장했다. 전국의 청년회는 1928년부터는 조선청년총동맹의 방침에 따라 조직을 일원화하게 된다. 이에 따라 정읍군에서도 산외청년회의 주창에 따라 정읍청년동맹이 설치되었고, 정읍면, 태인면, 산외면에는 지부가 설치되었으나, 다른 면에서는 지부가 설치되지 못했다. 정읍청년동맹은 결성된 지 얼마 되지 않아 일부 간부가 ‘전북공산당’사건과 연루되어 구속되는 바람에 큰 타격을 입었다. 노농운동은 조선노동공제회 정읍지회, 정읍노농연합회 등으로 시작되었다. 1920년경 정읍노동조합과 같은 노동자 단체도 만들어졌고, 1924년부터는 소성소작인공조회, 북면노농회, 화호노동친목회 등의 소작인 단체도 만들어졌다. 이 가운데 가장 활발한 활동을 편 것은 화호노동친목회였다. 여기에는 구마모토농장 화호지장의 소작인 7백여 명이 회원으로 참여했다. 화호노동친목회(뒤에 화호농민동맹회로 개칭)는 소작인들의 소작권 보호, 악지주와 악사음의 조사 등의 활동을 전개했다. 1927년 전국에서 신간회 지회가 조직될 때 정읍군에서도 정읍지회와 화호지회가 만들어졌다. 타군에서는 1군 1지회가 일반적이었지만, 정읍군에서는 2개 지회가 만들어졌다. 화호지회 쪽은 특별한 활동은 없었고, 정읍지회는 나름대로 활동을 펼치고자 했다. 그러나 곧 밀어닥친 ‘전북공산당’ 사건과 관련하여 간부 여러 명이 검속되었고, 정읍지회 자체의 활동도 경찰의 심한 탄압을 받았다. 그 결과 신간회정읍지회도 이렇다 할 활동을 하지 못하였다.

In Jeongeup-gun, there were the nationalistic movements and the social movements, just like other regions, such as youth movement, laborers and farmers movement, and Singanhoe movement in the 1920s. A lot of youth groups were formed throughout the nation after the March 1st Independence Movement and they spread the enlightenment movement. Eight youth groups were organized in 7 myeons in Jeongeup in the first half of 1920s. However, their activities were not going well. The youth groups engaged mainly in night schools, lectures, amateur theatricals, concerts. Most of the early members of the three youth groups (Jeongeup-myeon, Taein-myeon, and Kobu-myeon) were rich and intellectuals from the old local clerk families. Seven youth groups were organized in Jeongeup from 1925 to 1928. Some of the members of them were influenced by socialism. The youth groups across the nation were unified from 1928 according to the policy of the federation of Chosun youth groups. Accordingly, the branch offices were opened in the local areas: Jeollabuk-do alliance of youth (province level), Jeongeup youth union (county level), and branch office (myeon level). Jeongeup youth union was established in Jeongeup-gun, and branch offices were established in Taein-myeon and Sanoe-myeon but not in other myeons. Soon after the establishment, Jeongeup youth union was hit by a hard blow as some executives of the union were involved in the case of ‘Jeollabuk-do communists affair’ and got arrested. From then, Jeongeup youth union did not show any distinctive activities. The movement by the laborers and farmers started from Jeongeup branch office of Chosun laborers’ mutual aid association and Jeongeup laborers and farmers association. Labor unions such as Jeongeup laborers and farmers association were formed by the 1920s, and tenant groups started to emerge from 1924. Among them, Hwaho laborers and farmers club carried out the most active movements. The club was joined by 700 tenant farmers who belonged to Hwaho branch of Kumamoto Farm. Hwaho laborers and farmers club (the name was later changed to the association of Hwaho farmers) acted to protect the tenant right of tenant farmers, advocate their interests, and investigate bad landowners and bad mareums (the supervisor of a tenant farm). In 1927, when the branch offices of Singanhoe were established all over the nation, Jeongeup office and Hwaho office also opened in Jeongeup-gun. After the establishment of the local office, however, Hwaho office had no particular activities while Jeongeup office was trying to perform its own activities. However, Jeongeup office got involved in the case of ‘Jeollabuk-do communists affair’ and several executives were arrested, which curbed its activities under the harsh suppression of the police. As a result, Jeongeup office could not carry out any particular activity.

1. 머리말

2. 민족 사회운동의 배경

3. 청년운동

4. 노농운동

5. 신간회운동

6. 맺음말

