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KCI등재 학술저널

미군정기 도미유학에 관한 기초 연구

A Basic Study on the Studying in America in the U.S. Army Military Government Period

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미군정은 남한의 교육체제를 점차 미국식으로 개편해나갔고, 고등교육을 담당할 교수집단과 국가운영에 필요한 인력을 미국에서 양성하고자 하였다. 그러나 군정당국은 물론이며, 확고한 대한정책 목적을 세우지 못한 미 전쟁부와 국무부는 한국 학생의 도미유학 제도와 자금을 준비하지 않았으므로, 유학생 파견은 지지부진하였다. 1946년 중반에 이르러 재교육·재정향 정책이 실행되고, SWNCC 176/23에 유학생 파견조항이 실리자, 유학생 파견계획은 좀 더 적극적으로 추진되었다. 1947년 초부터 사비 도미유학을 허가하였고, 1년 만에 유학생은 100명을 웃돌았다. 대다수가 미국인 개인이나 교회 등의 재정보증을 받은 학생들이었다. 자연과학기술 계통을 전공하는 유학생은 절반을 넘지 않았고, 신학과 인문학이 다수였다. 1947년 7월 SWNCC 176/30은 친미적인 단독정부수립을 의미하는 한국문제의 유엔이관을 규정하였다. 이처럼 대한정책이 적극성을 띠게 되자, 공적 유학 제도가 만들어지고, 1949회계연도 가리오아 예산에서 유학 지원 자금이 확보되었다. 1949년 7월 미국대사관과 한국 정부는 최초 관비 유학생의 선발을 마쳤다.

The U.S. Army Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK) had gone ahead with the educational policy in order to break away from the Japanese system of education and establish an American democratic system instead. Higher education was also transformed into American style, and it sought to nurture a core group of professors in the United States. In addition, since South Korea was a liberated area and an occupied area at the same time, it was also subject to the policy of reeducation and reorientation, which was the important defeatist occupation policy. The value expressed was democracy, but its essence was propaganda and education policy aimed at establishing a pro-American and anti-communist system. Therefore, it was essential to send Korean students to learn American knowledge and skills. In order to create an overseas study system and secure public funds, an active policy was needed. However, the US government had not been able to establish its policy objectives for ensuring that Korea issues were treated for a long time. Therefore, the plan of dispatch of students by the Bureau of Education and the Korean Council on Educational Aid from America, and the efforts of Korean Education Commission could not succeed. Even the Department of War responsible for the occupied areas, the USAMGIK, and the State Department, which was in charge of overseas educational exchanges, did not set the policy for studying abroad or secured the budget. By mid-1946, the US government’s leadership had emphasized propaganda and education for South Korea, and SWNCC 176/23 was set up to address the policy of strengthening culture, education and propaganda. As a result, the Department of War and the State Department signaled that they could establish a studying abroad system and secure funding, and the USAMGIK also made plans to strengthen political propaganda. The American advisors at the Ministry of Education also urged them to implement policies promptly, emphasizing the importance of studying abroad. In the fiscal year 1948, the GARIOA budget was set for educational exchanges. However, until mid-1947, the policy of studying abroad remained here, and public institutions and budget execution were not realized. Instead, from the beginning of 1947, it was allowed individuals who got full scholarships or private funds to go America for studying in educational institute. As the shadow of the Cold War spreaded to the international scene, including the Korean Peninsula, the US government pursued a more aggressive policy toward Korea, and such changes were spreaded to the studying and immigration policies. Over the past year, about 100 foreign students have been studying in America. Almost the majority were those who received financial guarantees from American individuals and churches. And some have received a student expense funded with political intent. International students were required to have certain qualifications in addition to their English language and academic abilities, as well as their financial status, social status, religion, and political orientation. Therefore, the students of the upper class established in colonial era, and the newly forming class after the Liberation could acquire the power and status of politics and economy as well as knowledge and culture. Studying in America was great chances for them. The students majoring in theology, the humanities, and the music were many, but the students majoring in the natural sciences and technology were not more than half. Most of them had not enough English and major skills required for studying, and many students encountered economic hardships. It was far from the purpose of the policy to dispatch talented students to contribute to the democratization and development of Korea.

1. 머리말

2. 미군정 초기의 유학생 파견 계획

3. 미군정의 재교육·재정향 정책과 유학생 파견 계획

4. 미군정의 사비 유학 허가와 유학 실태

5. 맺음말

