최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1930년대 일제의 조선공업화와 산림정책

Joseon Industrialization and Forest Policy of the Japanese Empire in the 1930s

  • 228

본 연구는 일제 초기 산림 황폐를 구제한다는 명목으로 조림에 집중되었던 일제의 대부정책이 조선공업화와 맞물려 어떻게 변용되어 나갔는지를 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 1929년 세계대공황에 따른 조선공업화는 적극적인 산림‘개발’로 나타났다. 1910, 1920년대 일제의 임야대부는 산림황폐에 대한 대안으로 조림을 권장하였으나, 1930년대는 ‘개발’의 분위기 속에서 공업화에 유용한 용재 생산을 위해 ‘조림’대부를 지속하는 한편, 공업화에 필요한 전력개발, 광산개발, 목재벌채를 위해 산림을 이용하였다. 조선공업화와 전시체제로 인해 공업원료와 군수물자의 수요가 증대하는 가운데 일인 자본가들은 조림보다 벌채사업을 통해 일본 제국주의의 대륙침략과 공업화에 협력하면서 자본의 이익을 관철시켜 나갔다. 산림‘개발’이라는 미명 아래 진행된 이들의 무차별적인 산림벌채와 임산자원의 이용은 결국 극심한 산림 황폐를 초래했다.

This research aims to reveal how the Japanese loan policy focusing on afforestation in the name of the rescue of forest devastation changed with Joseon Industrialization in the early Japanese Empire. The Japanese Empire pushed Joseon Industrialization to break away from the crisis of the Great Depression in 1929. Joseon Industrialization was applied to forest with no change. While the Japanese Empire had developed the resources in untouched area of the upper stream of the Abrok-gang and the Duman-gang and supplied the industrial raw materials, it pushed forward with the northern Joseon exploitation business to make this area a stepping-stone toward the invasion of Manchuria. This project enabled the Japanese Empire to take out enormous timbers of the national forest in the Yalu and the Tumen, thereby the Japanese capital spread widely, kinds of lumber mills and pulp mills were set up and huge profits were made. The afforestation loan kept going on in this exploitation boom. The monopolistic capital provided immense loan of forest land to make timber forest, giving preference to the railway forest region in the northern area. Especially, a salient loan monopolization of the Joseon Forestry Development meant the fall of the existing loan system in wartime regime. The Japanese Empire encouraged wood species necessary for industrialization such as a larch and a lumber for mining to be planted, therefore, preferring the great capital to carry out this plan. In the meantime, the feature of loan policy in 1930s was the extremely high loan percentage except afforestation comparing to that of afforestation. Above all, there was the loan of the energy development. Power generation became an important driving force to conduct the industrialization and invasion of Asian continent of the Japanese Empire with affluent underground resources in Ham-nam district and a convenient railway transportation. In particular, plentiful hydraulic power supply in the Jang-jin river gave Heung-nam a chance to be the biggest industrial city, attracting heavy industries like chemistry and electricity. Next, the Japanese Empire lent the national forest actively for mine exploitation. The high loan percentage of a Japanese mining company, which entered gold mining business as a subsidiary of a newly-rising Japanese business combine, has relation to the process of securing its exclusive status in mining industry, putting peripheral mining companies together. Lastly, the loan of grazing land was connected to sheep raising industry. The Japanese Empire exploited a large scale of sheep raising land to cope with the contradiction of agriculture policy resulting from the policy of rice output increase and to ensure the stable supply of industrial fiber materials. The land exploitation policy of the Oriental Development Company borrowed and developed the forest land of Ham-buk district and pressed the locals and slash-burn farmers into duty for sheep raising business. The loan except afforestation in the 1930s was consistent with the flow and direction of Joseon industrialization in the Japanese Empire. People provided with all sorts of land necessary for industrialization in the loaned area were called out for labor supplement. Also, the loaners except afforestation were the Japanese big capitalists leading Joseon industrialization in the northern region. The big capitalists were first capable of getting the loan of forest land with the support of Japanese colonial government of Korea, accordingly, worked together on the invasion of Asian continent and industrialization of the Japanese imperialism and achieved their gains.

1. 머리말

2. 북선개척과 산림‘개발’

3. 조선공업화와 임야대부

4. 맺음말

