The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, while acting in China, had some special relations with France. Above all, the Provisional Government was established and acting in the French concession in Shanghai, and was helped and supported by the authorities of the French Concession. Its relations with France was continued not only in Shanghai but also in Chongqing for 1940’s. Since the Provisional Government was established in April of 1919 in the French Concession in Shanghai, it was active inside the French concession for 13 years till April of 1932. Although the French Concession was inside the Chinese territory, it was an area in which the sovereignty of France was exerted. Without France’s consents and aids, the Provisional Government’s actions in the French concession could not be possible. The authorities of the French Concession asked the Provisional Government not to be active publicly. However, the Provisional Government flouted it. The Provisional Government hoisted the Taegeuk flag, and even allowed Japanese journalists’ visit coverages. As the Provisional Government was publicly active, France got strongly remonstrated by Japan and ordered the Provisional Government to close its office building on October 17, 1919. Though closing the Provisional Government’s office building, France protected the Provisional Government’s key figures. In the case that Japan asked France to arrest and extradite the Provisional Government’s key figures, France conditioned Japan to extradite Vietnamese ani-French resistance Cuon De who was active in Japan. When Japanese officials brought an arrest warrant, French officials did not signed on it or noticed the Provisional government to flee. After Yun Bong-gil’s Hongkou Park Bombing on April 29, 1932, the authorities of the French Concession could not protect the Provisional Government any more. Indeed, the Provisional Government left Shanghai. The relations between the Provisional Government and France revived in Chongqing during 1940’s. The momentum was the meeting between Jo Soang, the Provisional Government’s foreign minister, and Pechkoff, the French ambassador in China. Jo Soang had frequent meetings with him and developed friendly relationship. The friendly relationship with France developed to the matter of recognition. In March of 1945, the Cabinet council of the Provisional Government announced that the Provisional Government established a diplomatic relation with France, and appointed Seo Yeonghae as the Korean Representative in France. Jo Soang, the foreign minister, officially announced to journalists that France recognized the Provisional Government as an in-fact government. Although France’s recognition of the Provisional Government was approved unfactual, a typical nation amongst the world powers that treated the Provisional Government friendly and stood on the side of recognition was France.
1. 머리말
2. 상해시기의 임시정부와 프랑스
3. 중경시기의 임시정부와 프랑스
4. 맺음말