최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 근대 旅行券(旅券) 제도의 성립과 추이

A Study on Formation and Changes of the Modern Korean Passport System

  • 138

Since ancient times, mankind used to carry a passport or an evidentiary document similar to passport in case of overseas travel. In each country of the world, in order to travel other country, definitely holding a passport issued by relevant country is institutionalized and visa of a country to be visited is also required. Passport system was implemented in a few countries of Europe in 15~16c but it is a general opinion that modern passport system was started after the French Revolution. Since France introduced passport system, each European countries adopted such system in 19c. In case of our country, it is considered that ‘passport’ of today except an official document required for diplomatic negotiation with China or Japan did not exit during Choseon era. As Choseon Dynasty held fast to close door policy to foreign countries since its inauguration, an evidentiary document such as modern passport was not separately available. As diplomatic negotiation became activated since its port opening in 1876, sometimes, foreigners used to visit Korea and other times, local people used to visit foreign countries. Under this situation, free overseas travel was necessitated by issuing a ‘passport’ to local people and as exchange with foreign countries along with port opening was frequented, Choseon government started to issue a passport. This study is a basic research for utilizing ‘passport’ as a historical data and formation and development process of ‘passport’ system of our country were arranged in terms of an institutional history. In our history so far, when ‘passport’ system was started, actually issued, enforced and how such system was changed were not arranged historically. As such, ‘passport’ brought forth confusion even from its term and as its actual contents were wrongly known, a confusion was sometime invited in history research. Historical meaning of ‘passport’ system formation is intended to be mentioned. First, formation and enforcement of ‘passport’ system in our country are not just limited to overseas travel procedure or complete preparation of documentary system. Formation of passport system is considered to be a first process of Koreans who lived under closed Choseon society for five hundred years moving to open world from a closed society. Therefore, historical arrangement for formation of passport system is considered to be a process of advancing into international society as our country was modernized. In such a sense, historical formation and change of passport system is required to be arranged systematically. Second, ‘passport’ is not just an evidentiary document that is required to be possessed for overseas travel. Contrary to a general historical record, as detailed travel record of passport holder is contained in passport as a whole, if this passport should be utilized, an area of historical research could be extended even to an area that was not experienced in the past. If detailed contents contained in passport should be closely examined, horizon of historical research could be widened. And after formation of passport system, how Korean people exchanged with international society could be observed as well.

1. 머리말

2. ‘여행권’ 용어의 검토

3. 여행권(執照)제도의 성립 과정

4. 한말 여행권(집조)의 발급 추이

5. 일제강점기의 여행권 발행

6. 맺음말

