As the March First Independence Movement spread throughout the country, the commander of Japanese Korean Army ordered for local deputy assistant commissioners, veterans and other ordinarycitizens in nation to put down the resistance. On top of that, he ordered for each provincial provost marshals or deputy assistant commissioners to organize the Self-Defense Force which was designed for public order such as defense before the Independence movement, night duty and fire prevention. By the time the March First Independence movement occurred, the Self-Defense Force, which mainly consisted of fire brigade and veterans’association and Japanese residents in Korea, suppressed Korean people. The fire brigade was in charge of public safety within the Japanese resident society. After losing the sovereignty of Korea, as many veterans’ associations around the country integrated into veterans’ associations for Japanese emperor, Japanese residents society were connected to Army forces. The fire brigade was under the force of deputy assistant commissioners, and veterans’ association were under the same chain of command, the two organizations were easily converted to Korean suppression team under the command of the military and the police. The Self-Defense Forces originated from two major events, which were below: The one event was that during the times of recovering movement of national right in the late period of Joseon, the Self Defense Force by the Japanese residents was organized. The other one was that the Self Defense Force was organized to suppress the resistance under control of the police when the rice plunder incident was arisen in Japan. The aspects of suppression the March First Independence Movement by the Self Defense Force was formed by the suppression part which included arrests and manhunts, and the alert which included night watch and fire alerts. The fire brigade went into suppress with cudgels and fire fight equipment. Especially poles with an iron hook designed to hit people and snatch people’s hairs were like killing weapons. Severe treatments by the fire brigade members made for Korean people intensify anti-Japanese filling more and more. Also they made for foreign missionaries to recognize the terrible scenes of suppression the March First Independence Movement. When the March First Independence Movement was erupted, the Japanese Police forced for civilian to leave their private arms in police stations or to ban possession of their arms and even restrict carrying gunpowder and components for mines. However, these rules were applied only for Koreans. Veterans’ association by Japanese members with their arms was put in suppression of Korean rebellions with the military with the police’s approval. One of the main reasons why the March First Independence Movement had begun was the head on collision between Self Defense Force by Japanese residents and Korean people. After the early April, the role of the Self Defense Force was converted into security mission like nigh watch, fire prevention and information offering of Korean people’s trends after dispatching the military police, the military police assistants and infantry battalion dispatched for provisional Korean democratic government.
1. 머리말
2. 자위단 조직 과정과 구성원
3. 자위단의 3·1운동 탄압
4. 맺음말