최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1969년 대전지역 3선개헌 반대운동의 양상과 성격

The Aspect and Nature of the Movement against the Constitutional Amendment for 3 Times Consecutive Presidential Election in Daejeon in 1969

  • 125

Daejeon showed relatively low degree compared to other main cities concerning the movement against the constitutional amendment for 3 times consecutive presidential election to prevent Park Jeong-hui regime from holding on to power for a long times in 1969, Students’ action developed in various ways including on-campus assemblies, street demonstrations and fasting sit-downs, but mostly in one-time event. What students claimed in the movement against the constitutional amendment for 3 times consecutive presidential election was the opposition to constitutional amendment and the stop of school inspection and these are the same as the movement nationwide. The sluggish of the movement was attributed to the absence of powers or organizations to lead the students movement, the negative recognition of demonstration and the ‘introverted tendency’ unique to Chungcheong area. The movement against 3 times consecutive constitutional amendment was sluggish in Daejeon area, but the rate was lower then the nation’s average pro-rate in referendum. Pro-constitutional amendment was influenced by factors like the support and expectation of Park Jeong-hui administration’s administration of the political situation and economic development, the sense of uneasiness and stability of security due to successive happening of public security incident and the partial report of media. Anti-constitutional amendment was influenced by factors like the sense of alienation due to the economic development inclined to a specific area, the criticism thereof against Park Jeong-hui administration, the support and expectation of Kim Jong-pil as an alternative and the non-democratic nature in the course of driving the constitutional amendment.

1. 머리말

2. 3선개헌 반대운동의 전개과정

3. 3선개헌 반대운동의 성격과 영향

4. 맺음말

