최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 독립운동사에서 上海가 가지는 역사적 의미

The Significance of Shanghai in the History of Korea Independence Movement

  • 42

Shanghai was representative international base of Korean independence movement. Shanghai is significant place in the history of Korean independence movement for seven reasons, as stated below: First, Shanghai was a breakthrough point when Korea was in the hour of peril. Second, it was shanghai where Korean liberators accepted the influence of China’s Revolution of 1911~1912. Shin Gyu Sik and Jo Sung Hwan met numerous Chinese revolutioners and accepted their ideologies and theories in order to set a road map for the future of Korea. Third, Shanghai was the source of March 1st Independence Movement. When Yeo Woon Hyung was notified that the Paris Reconciliation Conference will be held, he organized New Korean Youth Party in hurry, and dispatched its representatives in/outside the Korea to conduct national resistance against Japan. Fourth, it was Shanghai where the first modern Korean democratic government was organized. Fifth, in Shanghai, Independence movement was led by government organization. Sixth, Party for Independence Movement, which would have led Korean Independence Movement in near future, was first organized and activated in Shanghai. Seventh, Korean liberators experienced ideological difference, and thrived to gain unity in Shanghai. When Communism has influenced the Korean Independence Movement, which has resulted conflict between right and left wing, Integrated Nation Party movement has arised in order to overcome the conflict. Shanghai brought diverse historical experiences to Korean liberators, as the city was the place where they had founded first Korean modern country, organized Korean Provisional Government, and carried on the Independence Movement.

1. 머리말

2. 망국 전야의 새로운 돌파구

3. 신해혁명 영향의 흡수처

4. 3·1운동의 진원지

5. 한국 역사상 최초의 근대 국가 건설지

6. 정부 중심의 독립운동 전개 장소

7. 독립운동 정당의 결성과 정착지

8. 이념 분화와 통합운동의 추진 장소

9. 맺음말

