최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

아산지역 3·1운동의 전개와 일제의 탄압

A Study on the Development of the Asan Region 3·1 Independence Movement and the Suppression of Participants by the Japanese Imperialism

The endless struggle to regain the soverignty in Chosun against the Japanese Imperialism colonial policy was resulted in a great historical event, The March First Independence Movement(3·1 Independence Movement) in 1919. The Asan 3·1 Independence Movement was affected by the surrounding area in the diffusive process of Seoul 3·1 Independence Movement. The Asan 3·1 Independence Movement broke out by the Onyang public normal school student in a school ground on the 11th of March. Continually, the Onyang public normal school student occured in the market of Onyang on 12th of March. Hyeonchanggyu(玄昌奎) and the same camp developed a hurrah of the Independence demonstration(hurrah movement) in the market of Onyang on 14th of March. The local residents developed a hurrah movement in the market of Onyang and Yeongin on 15th of March. This was the first 3·1 Independence Movement in Asan and taken by the Onyang public normal school student. The second 3·1 Independence Movement in Asan started on 31th of March. The day was developed a signal torch(Hwaetbul) of the hurrah for independence movement(횃불獨立萬歲運動) by the local residents of Tangjeong·Yeomchi·Daebang-myeon and so on about 50 places. The independence movement was developed from on 31th of March to 4th of April in Asan region. The crowd cheers for independence attacked the Military police an outstation, myeon office and public normal school in Sinchang-myeon on 2th of April. And the crowd hurrahed in Gundeok-ri market of Seonjang-myeon and attacked the Military police an outstation on 4th of April. As a result, the structure facilities of the office were destroyed by the crowd. Thus independence movement was developed as long as 3·1 Independence Movement in Chungnam province briskly spreaded out from 27th of March to 8th of April. The participant in the Asan 3·1 Independence Movement were the 35,000 person on the record and estimated to reach the 5,000 person if we included the unrecorded participant. And the Independence Movement was leaded and partaken in the various cladss of student, Christian, Yangban(兩班), woman, rickshaw-puller, employed on farms(雇人), miner, farmer etc. They were mostly a mid-20s and early-30s ages. Now the 289 person was confirmed a list of criminals. This list was recorded by the subordinate organs of the Japanese Government General of Korea(朝鮮總督府) - the myaon office(面事務所) for violating security law in an age of the Japanese Imperialism. A 23 person of the 289 were put on trial and suffered the punishment from 90 flogging(Taehyeong, 笞刑) to three years in prison. And The flogging was committed a crime against humanity by the Oncheon-ri military police an outstation(憲兵分遣所) from third to 25th of April for eighteenth day. This punishment was gotten from 40 to 90 flogging for 265 person. Thus fact became one of the most oppression in flogging punishment region. Especially, Choebyeongsu was perished for the nation by the Japanese Empire military police and a seven person were injured. The other oppression closed a local market. So local residents suffered terribly. And the another oppression was forced a written oath to Asan residents by the Oncheon-ri military police an outstation. This oath was written to observe the Japanese Imperialism command and never to create a disturbance.

1. 머리말

2. 3·1운동의 전개

3. 3·1운동의 참가자

4. 3·1운동에 대한 일제의 탄압

5. 3·1운동의 성격

6. 맺음말

