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KCI등재 학술저널

한국독립운동과 辛亥革命

Korean Independence Movement and Xinhai Revolution

  • 137

The influence of Xinhai revolution to Korean independence movement would be summarized as the following 4 points. First, The news of Xinhai revolution(辛亥革命) made many Korean independence activists come to Shanghai and Nanjing district as an exile. As the result, in the late 1910s, Shanghai and Nanjing district of China became the most important center of overseas Korean independence movements. Korean community which was established after the Xinhai revolution in Shanghai area became the foundation of the establishment of Shanghai Korean Provisional Government in 1919. Second, Xinhai revolution gave a chance of accepting the republicanism to Korean independence activists. Although the opinions of Korean independence activists toward the republican revolution were quite complicated, and there were some confusion periods, but they could accept the republicanism as a basic principle of the statebuilding after the Declaration of Grand Union (Daedong Dangyul Seoneun, 大同團結宣言) of 1917. Later, such acceptance of republicanism was expressed in the Provisional Charter of Korea (Daehan Minkook Yimshi Heonjang, 大韓民國臨時憲章) of April, 1919. Third, as an evidence that Korean independence activists accepted the republicanism from Chinese republican revolution, we can take a note to the title of Provisional Government, i.e. Korean Republic (Daehan Mingook). Numbers of Korean independence activists, at that time, acknowledged that the concept of Mingook as the Republic and used the name of Mingook commonly in 1910s. Also it should be noted that this title of Mingook has been originated from the Junghwa Mingook (Zhonghua Minguo, 中華民國). Fourth, the Sion-Korean Mutual Aid (Hanjung Hojo, 韓中互助) as an Anti-imperialism Alliance became the main stream of the relationship between Korea and China after Xinhai revolution. Hence it can be said that Xinhai revolution was the starting point of the Anti-imperialism alliance between Korea and China which had been a predominant character of two nations’ relationship in early 20th century.

1. 머리말

2. 武昌起義 이전 중국 혁명파와 한인들간의 교류

3. 武昌起義 이후 한인 지사들의 중국망명과 중국혁명에의 참여

4. 한국독립운동에 대한 신해혁명의 영향

5. 맺음말

