최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

韓志成의 생애와 민족운동

The Life and Activities of a Korean Revolutionary, Han Ji-sung : Focused on 1930s, 1940s Regional Activities in China, India and Burma

  • 145

Han Ji-sung was an independence activist who worked for the Korean Volunteer Corps(朝鮮義勇隊) and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea(大韓民國臨時政府). He went to China in the early 1930s to attend the Central Political Institute(中央政治學校) before joining the Korean Volunteer Corps and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea. In particular, he led the Korea National Army Legion Unit(印緬戰區工作隊), dispatched upon the request of the British army, and went to the frontline of India and Burma to fight against Japan. It has a historical significance that the independence activists in China participated in World War II as part of the Allied Forces. The fact that Mr. Han was dispatched as the head of the unit indicates that he had a relatively high status among independence activists in China. However, little has been known about him due to the lack of data and his later association with North Korea. His given name was Han Jae-su, and he was born in Seongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province in Korea in 1912. He studied at the Gacheon primary school and Daegu commercial school. After graduating from Daegu commercial school, Han went to China. At the time, many Korean youths migrated to China, and they were the second generation of refugees that received Japan’s colonial education. Han was different in that he could study at an official school, Central Political Institute, and developed his capacity as an independence activist. After finishing the study at Central Political Institute, Han worked for the Korean volunteer corps and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea. In the early stage, he communicated circumstances of all regions across the Korean Volunteer Corps as a communication officer. Later, he led the political propaganda of the Corps as head of political unit and editor-in-chief of the editing committee for publication in Chinese. In 1941, he became head of foreign affairs and engaged in ‘diplomatic’ activities to forge ties with Oppressed People of the East and to promote the Corps to the Allied Forces. Han began to work for the provisional government of the Republic of Korea in 1943 as the left-wing activists in the Chinese jurisdiction were incorporated into the provisional government. He was elected as the youngest congressman for the 34th Provisional Assembly, and served as a deputy secretary for Korean Youth Union which was a united organization for Korean youth under the provisional government. The Korean Youth Association engaged in diplomatic activities to appeal Korea’s independence to the Allied Forces at Convention for Free Koreans in China(在中國自由韓人大會). Han attended the convention as a representative of the Korean delegates. Later, upon request of the British army, he was dispatched as head of India-Burma operation unit and joined World War II as member of the Allied Forces to fight at the frontline of India and Burma. The dispatch of the operation unit was enabled due to efforts of the Korean Volunteer Corps, and Han could become head of the unit due to his previous experiences with the Corps as well as his personal capabilities. The record of his activities shows that Han had characteristics of the second generation of refugees. His activities show the independence movements that took place in other Chinese regions than Manchuria. Even though Han was not a pioneering leader like Kim Gu or Kim Wonbong, he still claims an important place in the history of Korea’s independence movement as he played a pivotal role in propaganda and diplomatic activities which were crucial for independence movement within Chinese jurisdiction.

1. 머리말

2. 한지성의 출생과 성장

3. 중국 망명과 중앙정치학교 생활

4. 조선의용대 참여와 활동

5. 대한민국임시정부 참여와 활동

6. 맺음말

