From the end of 1900s to the 1910s and 1920s the idea of looking Manchuria as the capita birthplace and capital and territory of Dangun had been formed. This idea was a very new phenomenon. Because until the late Joseon Dynasty it had been generally considered that the center of the Dangun Joseon Territory was in Joseon Peninsula. In those period, the idea of looking Manchuria as the Dangun Joseon Territory were invented by Shin Chae Ho. The ‘Mt. Baekdu = Dangun Birthplace’ theory had been widely circulated as the discourses to prove the historical and cultural origin of the Korea. The ‘Pyeongyang as the capital of Dangun Joseon = Manchuria’ theory had been spreaded by the daily newspapers. In the colonial period this idea especially had been become a unique recognition on Mancuria. The ‘Manchuria = Dangun Territory’ theory had been developed more evidently expanded geographic boundaries than in the late Joseon Dynasty. Furthermore as Gija Joseon was thoroughly denied, Manchuria was approved the only historical substance of the Dangun Joseon Territory. In the ‘Manchuria = Dangun Territory’ theory, Manchuria was represented by the place to guarantee a eternal existence and independence of the Korea nation hood. At that time, the Korea intellectuals selected Manchuria as the place of guaranteeing the survivability and independence of the Korean. In this regard, ‘Manchuria = Dangun Territory’ theory reflected the reality of the loss of sovereignty, and the self-consciousness of the Korea intellectuals towards a national independence.
1. 머리말
2. ‘백두산=단군발상지’론의 전개
3. ‘평양(단군도읍지)=만주’론의 출현
4. ‘만주=단군강역’론의 등장
5. ‘만주=단군강력’론의 확산
6. 맺음말