최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1910~1930년대 아베 일가의 동진강 유역 간척과 농업수탈

Land Reclamation in the Dongjin River Basin and Agricultural Exploitation by the Abe Family in 1910s~1930s

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Abe Ichitaro came to the Dongjin River basin that flows to the Gimje area, Jeollabuk-do in 1912. He was born in merchant family at omi area, Japan. Land accumulation was his purpose. He set the temporary office at Yochon, Gimje in 1913 with his step-brother Husajiro, and started to purchase land. About 700ha of land came into their hands in 1916. They acquired about 1,800ha of land through the reclamation project in 1925~1932. Abe family’s Land reclamation project was only possible with the animated interaction among the Dongjin irrigation association and Japanese Government-General of Joseon. Abe family’s Land reclamation project is the important case to study the character of Land reclamation project in 1920s, 1930s. Abe family enforced the land reclamation project from the mid 1920s to the early 1930s when Japanese imperialism’s “Land improvement project” of “The plan to increase rice production” was booming. Above all, Jeollabuk-do area was the heartland of Japanese imperialism’s agricultural policy. The condition of locating on the west coast, there is the wide tideland. For this reason, in the early 1920s, ‘Land reclamation’ of “Land improvement project” was enforced quite a lot at this area. Especially there is the wide tideland in the mouth of Dongjin River basin, and everybody was interested in Land reclamation in this area. Land reclamation was impossible without the ample irrigation and drainage facilities. Therefore, the Dongjin irrigation association seemed to be established in 1917, Abe family started to pay attention to land reclamation project in this area. They asked for permission of land reclamation from the Japanese Government-General of Joseon and got reclamation license in 1919. However, establishment of irrigation association was failed and Abe family had no choice but to stop the land reclamation project. Because of the severe draught in 1924, the Japanese Government-General of the Joseon intervene in establishment of irrigation association more directly than before. Simooka, the chief of the Japanese Government-General of the Joseon urged the establishment of irrigation association in this area for the smooth progress of “The plan to increase rice production” and was soliciting entrepreneurs of land reclamation. Abe family who already attempted to land reclamation in 1919 became the target. Abe family’s land reclamation was most important thing for the establishment of irrigation association. After consideration, they decided to start the land reclamation in Dongjin River basin. Governor of Jeollabuk-do’s aggressive persuade became the decisive factor in this decision. The Dongjin irrigation association was established in 1925, as soon as Abe family decide to start the land reclamation in Dongjin River basin in the end of 1924. Almost at the same time, Abe family founded ‘The Dongjin Agriculture Corporation’. Also they got the reclamation license of public waters again from the Japanese Government-General of the Joseon. The land reclamation project was undertaken during 7 years. Also the former Japanese military soldier, Hucui Sigeki was instrumental in this project. This project was completed on March 31st , 1932. As a result, about 1,400ha of agricultural land was created and expanded the scale of the farm. The Farm was made only Joseon migrator peasant to cultivate land, so ‘Policy of migrator lure’ was enforced. The total number of migrator family was 343 households in 1932. Abe family made migrator peasant owed about 200~300won in 2, 3 years since they moved in for the housing expenses, farming costs, seed payment, etc. The rate of farm rent was 60~70%. It was more than a half and even the remains needed to pay the debts so migrator peasant took only very few of crops.

1. 머리말

2. 1910년대 일본인의 토지집적과 아베 일가

3. 1920~1930년대 동진농업주식회사와 간척

4. 아베 일가의 농장 확장과 수탈구조의 심화

5. 맺음말
