최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1910년대 평해지역 平海 黃氏 海月公派 문중의 서간도지역 이주경위

The Motives for Haewol Branch of the Pyeonghae-Originating Hwang Family in the Pyeonghae Area to Migrate to the West Jiandao Area in the 1910s

  • 69

This study aims to identify motives for Haewol Branch of the Pyeonghae-Originating Hwang Family in the Pyeonghae area to migrate to the West Jiandao area in the 1910s. This is a work to identify a case showing Korean traditional noble families’ response to being deprived of their national sovereignty, and microscopically to examine Koreans’ history of migration to the West Jiandao area through the case of Haewol Branch of the Hwang Family. This case is an important research subject in that it was related to the sense of social responsibility that the dominant class had. Thus, this study is intended to contribute to understanding the trend of Korean traditional noble families in the 1910s and also Koreans’ history of migration to the West Jiandao area, their social history and their role for the Korean Independence Movement in that area. To sum up, the moment of being deprived of their national sovereignty, Haewol Branch of the Hwang Family gave up their vested rights they had enjoyed as a traditional noble family. As a result, they refused to be dominated by Japanese Imperialists and put into practice ‘the migration to the West Jiandao area’. Their migration to the West Jiandao area was not only for their livelihood. Their activities in the West Jiandao area clearly showed evidence of other motives for their migration. The first piece of evidence was that the Korean migrants to the West Jiandao area were involved in ‘the Project of Constructing the Independence Movement Base in the West Jiandao Area’ which was promoted by Sinminhoe. The second was that they were actively engaged in establishing and maintaining Sinheung Military Institute. The migration of Haewol Branch of the Hwang Family to the West Jiandao area in the 1910s was very meaningful in that the dominant class of the time gave up their vested rights and attempted to establish a new society.

1. 머리말

2. 평해 황씨 해월공파 문중의 내력

3. 서간도지역 이주의 배경

4. 서간도지역 이주의 과정

5. 맺음말
