최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

李起鵬의 성장과정과 정치기반 형성(1896~1953)

Lee Ki-poong’s Growth Process and Formation of Initial Political Foundations(1896~1953)

  • 127

In order to grasp the character of political power and government system, it’s necessary to do analysis work on its members. It’s because the research on a specific person as a person who leads a group or organization boils down to the research on the organization itself. In this respect, there is much attention towards the representative of the Liberal Party, Lee, Ki-poong. Lee, Ki-poong represented the ruling party in the 1950s as a chairman of the central committeed of the Liberal Party, and also a chairman of the National Assembly and an open successor of the Syngman Rhee government. Lee, Ki-poong made a sudden rise politically with the joining of the Liberal Party simultaneously, and collapsed through the April Revolution. This fact is more important in that this incident was in line with the destiny of the Liberal Party. Lee, Ki-poong perceived reality facing the nation through national education during the Japanese occupation, and left for studying abroad in America due to his antagonism against Imperial Japan and the yearning for the West. After getting to the USA, Lee steadily support activities of the society for students studying abroad and also supported the Korea residents abroad and domestic students’ movement financially in spite of working his way through school while making efforts for personal capability training. After Liberation, Lee, Ki-poong participated in the formation of a conservative right-wing political party based on his experience in studying abroad in the USA. However, in the midst of prestigious political leaders’ intense struggle for leadership, it was difficult for Lee, Ki-poong to come to the front. Lee, Ki-poong tried to catch up on his weak political position while aiding Syngman Rhee. Lee, Ki-poong was singled out as the secretary of Syngman Rhee on the recommendation of Yoon, Chi-young, and assisted Syngman Rhee in the process of expanding and strengthening Syngman Rhee’s domestic support base. Lee, Ki-poong entered public office as Seoul Mayor under the Syngman Rhee’s confidence and Francesca Rhee’s recommendation in the process of the first Cabinet reorganization. After entering public office, Lee, Ki-poong contributed to the system intensification of the initial period of the government formation, and also idolized Syngman as a father of the country by openly revering him as a target of worship. Lee, Ki-poong’s wife, Maria Park also idolized Syngman Rhee while circulating anti-communist ideologies and compiling the biography of Syngman Rhee. Like this, Lee, Ki-poong mostly played a supporting role in economy or at a working level rather than taking the lead in or planning things in the front. Even in case of his entrance into public office, Lee, it is mostly presumed that Ki-poong was appointed as Seoul Mayor or Minister of National Defence according to Syngman Rhee’s intention in relation to the then political situation. His public office activities were done within the boundary where he faithfully carried out the government policies.

1. 머리말

2. 일제강점기: 미국 유학

3. 해방정국기: 이승만의 비서

4. 제1공화국 초기: 2인자로서의 토대 마련

5. 맺음말

