최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

재미한인 卞俊鎬의 독립운동과 사회주의

Korean American Byun Jun-ho’s Independence Movement and Socialism

  • 16

This study aims to understand the activities and significance of Byun Jun-ho who launched the Korean independence movement, based on socialism, in America. Born in Yangpyeong, Korea in 1895, Byun Jun-ho passed through Nanjing, China to study in America and began his independence movement with Korean National Association at Young Korean Academy. At the time, he focused primarily on raising funds and recruiting for Young Korean Academy. It was with this experience at the time that he developed his extraordinary skills in fund-raising and network-building required to maintain an organization. After the Great Depression in 1929, socialism spread across the Korean communities in America. Byun embraced socialism through the Korean Academy of Social Science, based on which he developed his own strategies for independence. He used socialism as a tool to promote armed resistance. Thanks to his experience of working on the finance of Korean organizations and human network since the days of Young Korean Academy, the China Aid Society, comprised of progressive Koreans, came into being. He represented the New York branch at Korean National Association and shared where the China Aid Society stood at the general meeting of the Association. Byun acted willingly as the go-between for the nationalist and socialist organizations. After the Korean Volunteers Corps Aid Society was established in China in 1940, Byun focused all his activities to promoting armed resistance. From 1943 and onward, he was appointed the chair of the North America Branch of the Korean National Revolutionary Party. He continued to encourage armed resistance at The United Korean Committee in America, the largest group of Koreans in America. Highly valuing Byun’s activities, OSS had him participate in NAPKO PROJECT. NAPKO PROJECT was one proof of Byun’s determination and fervor for armed resistance. When Korea was liberated, Byun was in charge of the finance of ‘Independence’ and took on anti-American ideas, criticizing the American military government’s policies. Having devoted his whole life to achieve independence, he could not tolerate the reality where the American government accepted the pro-Japanese groups. Byundied in Los Angeles on February 20, 1966. Byun Jun-ho was committed to gain independence and thus worked tirelessly to bring nationalists and socialists together. While he was a chairperson of a sub-group at the United Korean Committee in America, he dedicated himself to armed resistance, proving that there were more than those in America who argued for the diplomatic independence. He was actively involved with NAPKO even when he knew it was for the American interest because he seemingly wanted to put his words -his firm belief in armed resistance -into action. Most of his life, Byun Jun-ho lived for the independence of Korea, to let the Koreans in America know more about armed resistance. He was one of the people who played a crucial role in maintaining socialism among Koreans in America.

1. 머리말

2. 미국유학과 사회주의 수용

3. 독립운동 전개와 무장투쟁노선

4. 해방 이후의 미군정 비판 활동

5. 맺음말

