최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 민족협동전선과 반기독교운동

Korean National Cooperative Front Lines and Anti-Christian Movements in 1920s : Focused on Haysmer’s Event

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Through the Independence Movement in 1919 Korean knew that Independence of nation is established by the power to overcome the colonialism only. But the nationalism of Korean is not sufficient to resist the colonialism of Japan. So the korean national movements are necessary for not only the highest duty but also profit in living. To establish a strong movement the Seoul Group made the issue Haysmer’s Event in 1926 which happened in 1925. Koreans considered Japanese’ brutalities as Haysmer’s brutalities. Through the criticising the Haysmer’s Event Korean blamed the Japanese’ exploitations and suppressions. After the Russo-Japanese War, American pressed Japanese who had lived in America by the racism and the Immigration laws. Japanese wanted to abrogate the Immigration laws in U.S.A. and in Canada. To remove the oppressions of American, Japanese amplified the anti-american movement in Korea so that they helped Korean’s anti-american movement through the Haysmer’s Event. The Seoul Group had power in Korean communism. But Comintern denied the Seoul Group’s importance and situation. The Seoul Group should solve the problems by increasing the influence and organization. In addition the Seoul Group would get the method of manipulate the mass in national movement. The criticising the Haysmer’s wicked acts is a model case for the Seoul Group to increase the Social influence, and methods of getting members and being enlarged the teams and organizations in children movement. The Seoul Group made use of Japanese’ anti-americanism in promoting the movement of mass and children. The help of japanese made the Seoul Group enlarge organization, gain the new members and be supported by the social agreement. The Seoul Group developed the national movement through the various kinds of the mass movement. But the Japanese oppressions and the Chosun Communist Party’s maneuvers were made the Seoul Group lose the initiative in making the Korean National Cooperative Front Lines. But the Seoul Group participated the Singanhoe and worked hard to motivate the national movement. The Seoul Group called Singanhoe as the Party of the Korean National Cooperative Front Lines. So the Seoul Group criticised the theory of proletarian Hegemony which insisted by the Chosun Communist Party. They made use of their experience about the Haysmer’s Event. They insisted the importances of mass activities in revolution and discarded the proletarian hegemony for the independence of Korea. They wanted to stimulate the national movement in number continuity and activity by stirring the mass movements.

1. 머리말

2. ‘허시모사건’이 쟁점화된 이유들

3. 서울파 사회주의자들의 소년운동과 ‘허시모사건’

4. 서울파 사회주의자들의 민족협동전선과 ‘허시모사건’

5. 맺음말

