최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

해방 후 ≪독립신문≫의 속간과 성격

A continuation of publication and a character of The Toklip Sinmun in after Liberation

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After liberation, officials of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in the nation were reissue “The Toklip Sinmun(獨立新聞)” which had been published in China. It is the Toklip Sinmun which was continued to publish in returning to korea in December 27. The Toklip Sinmun was published in order to support the activities of provisional government for the establishment independent and unified interim government and promote the idea and philosophy. The Toklip Sinmun which was continued to publish in return to Korea, had been reissued by the efforts of Kim-Seunghak. He was pushing ahead with publishing the newspaper with Kim Bung-jun, Jo Sang-hang. Above all, They acquired the mastheads. and then they were authorized publishing the newspaper by the US military government. The newpaper was founded in the form of a corporation by people who were authorized publishing. The purpose was to raise funds for the establishment of company and manage the newspaper safely. The Toklip Sinmun, Issued December 27 was published until July 6, 1949. The organization of the Toklip Sinmun consists of president, weekly, Editor in Chief, General Affairs Bureau, editorial, print, service bureau. Staffs of the newspaper was weekly(Kim Seunghak), General Director(Lee Jong-young), Editor(Choi Jae-woong), business director-advertising (Jo Sang-hang), Print(Park Jong-sang). and General affairs manager(Baek Ki-jun), Head of political department(Lee Myoeng-hyo), Chief reporter(Lee, Min-Hui), Head of Proofreading department(Jo Dong-man). The newspaper could be a stable organization by their efforts. Based on this, this paper was developed as a national daily newspaper in beginning 1948. Expanding of the newspaper is encouraging for the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. However, the financial affairs of the newspaper had been increasingly difficult by newspaper publishing and maintenance costs, the price rises of the inflation. The Toklip Sinmun which was continued to publish in return to Korea, was the permanent representative which was successor to the national emergency council and the provisional assembly. The newspaper was to introduce and promote major issues in the anti-trusteeship movement which was led by provisional government and the process of promotion for the opposition movement of general election for South Korea only. The newspaper published related story with activities of the Korea Independent Party which was the ruling party of provisional government, the outside groups and a statement which was contained Kim Gu’s views. Like this, The Toklip Sinmun which was continued to publish in return to Korea, reported in detail the scope and activities on the terms that the provisional government of the republic of korea after the liberation. and This newspaper was responsible for informing the presence and status of the provisional government of the republic of korea to people.

1. 머리말

2. 속간 경위와 주체

3. 체제와 운영

4. 주요 내용과 성격

5. 맺음말

