최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

카이로회담의 교섭과 진행에 관한 연구

A Study over the Initiation and Process of the Cairo Conference

  • 121

Up to now, many studies of the Cairo Conference have tended to focus on understanding the conference mainly in terms of Korean matters. This approach has made it impossible to make a positive study of the conference. Therefore, this study aims to organize the whole process from the initiation to completion of the Cairo Conference. To achieve this aim, this study took advantage of materials that China has kept which has not been made public as well as materials that the USA has made public. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The development of the Cairo Conference was mainly conducted by the USA and China. In June, 1943, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a suggestion to Chinese Leader Chiang Kai-shek holding a summit of four countries: the USA, the UK, the Soviet Union and China. His suggestion was accepted by Chinese Leader Chiang, bringing about a potentially successful conference between the USA and China. Then Roosevelt tried to persuade Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin to join in the conference, only to fail because the three countries (the USA, the USSR and China) were differently situated. At this, Roosevelt discussed with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in late October, 1943, to revise his original plan into separately holding a conference with China and the Soviet Union. As a result, the USA and the UK were expected to talk with China in Cairo on November 22nd, 1943, and with the Soviet Union in Tehran on November 27th, 1943. Thus, it was finally decided that the Cairo Conference, a summit of three countries: the USA, the UK and China would be held. On November 8th, 1943, the three countries of the USA, the UK, and China set out to prepare for the conference. Each country tried to prepare preliminary agendas in its own way to bring about the greatest of benefits from the conference. The USA and China each prepared preliminary agendas: Burma Operation and China Securing its Status as One of the Four Allied Great Powers in the same terms. On the other hand, the UK focused on European matters instead of Asian ones, which strongly conflicted with the agendas of the USA and China. With their own agendas, the summit and delegation of each country headed toward Cairo. Participants in the Cairo Conference included the summit, military advisory staff and other suites of each country, amounting to a total of about 180 to 500 people. The Cairo Conference was held from November 22nd, when all the participants of each country arrived, through to November 26th. On the night of November 22nd, a preliminary conference was held to discuss the entire itinerary. The main conference opened on the morning of November 23rd. The conference was divided into the summit and the combined military advisory staff meeting. The key contents that the conference mainly dealt with concerned military and political matters, which were all discussed on November 23rd when the main conference was held. The military matters were discussed in the morning session of that day, and the political matters were dealt with in the dinner party between Roosevelt and Chiang on the same day. The contents discussed on that day were reflected in the Cairo Declaration published on December 1st, 1943. In short, the principal parties concerned with the Cairo Conference were the USA and China. This is highlighted by the process of initiation, preparation and completion of the Cairo Conference and the contents of the Cairo Declaration. Even though the conference was not attended by the four countries of the USA, the UK, the Soviet Union and China as originally planned by the USA, it was substantially meaningful that the Cairo Declaration was made at the Cairo Conference.

1. 머리말

2. 카이로회담의 교섭

3. 카이로회담의 준비

4. 카이로회담의 진행

5. 맺음말

