최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1905년 원용팔 의병의 창의와 운동 방략

A Study on the an Uprising and Strategies of Won Yong Pal Righteous Army in 1905

  • 24

The awareness of reality suggested by Won Yong Pal(元容八) is important in the aspects of process and strategies of the movement in 1905. He identified the conditions of Japanese invasion into pillage of land (demand of exploitation right for wastelands and national land issues), pillage of government operation (taking control of administration through political advices), and control of public opinion about invasion (pro-Japanese group, or Iljinhoe(一進會)); he saw the best way to solve the problems is to raise a righteous army to fight against the Japanese invasion. Four process and strategies of the righteous army movement were organized under the awareness mentioned. First, plan to combine the royal troops in Gangwon province and Chungcheong province area to establish nationwide royal troop uniting with Wonju Jinwidae(原州鎭衛隊); and then ally with anti-Japanese forces in Seoul to exclude the interference of pro-Japanese government and Japan. Second, plan to develop the righteous army recruitment activity, secure base area, and advance to Seoul based on it. Third, plan to induce support and aid from Wonju and Yeoju area through connection with central political forces including Won Woo Sang(元禹常); especially the plan to attempt to expand the movement into royal troop war through uniting with Wonju Jinwidae which was a regular army of the Korean Empire. Fourth, plan to secure actual support and justification for the righteous army movement through manifesto, letters, and public appeals. These process and strategies of the righteous army went a step further from Heonchaeck (獻策) by Kim Sa Jeong(김사정).

1. 머리말

2. 원용팔의 현실인식과 연합의병의 추진

3. 운동 방략의 구체화와 의병전쟁 기반조성

4. 맺음말

