This paper is the first half of the 1920s, the Korean anarchism to accommodate processes and activities covered process in Beijing area. Beijing area of Korean anarchism still acceptable acceptance process, including the timing and the path should be to explain the characteristic because many challenges. Koreans have fled the Beijing area in 1919 to 3.1 in Korea starting exercise reached more than 1,000 people, of the independence movement and the students are refugees mainstream. Young and active students are reached about three hundred people , they were driven mainly by the New Culture Movement of socialism and anarchism, such as Peking University and the school was free to accept. Rye, Ja-myung and Shin, Chae-ho and Lee Hoi-young current anarchist movement in China since around 1923, led by Professor Lee, Se-chung received consideration and cooperation, which is a full-fledged one after - became the basis of a joint Anti-Japanese Internationalism struggle. These exchanges are being deployed since the anti-Japanese base construction movement, organized and contributed greatly to the Eastern Anarchist Federation. They directed the anti-Japanese. Anticommunist ideology and criticism Ready theory, Diplomacy theory and half the power of the East Anarchist Federation . Unionism in conjunction with Anti-Capitalist and Liberty alliance principle as the 1920s became the basis of the Anti-Japanese activities.
1. 머리말
2. 1920년대 북경지역 한인사회의 형성과 지적 풍토
3. 북경 한인들의 아나키즘 수용과정
4. 『조선혁명선언』 발표 이후의 활동
5. 맺음말