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KCI등재 학술저널

‘周保中 日記’를 통해 본 東北抗日聯軍 第2路軍 朝鮮人 隊員들의 활동(1936~1941)

The Activities by Korean Members of the Second-ro Troops, the Northeast Anti-Japan Allied Forces Seen through ‘Zhoubaozhong Diary’(1936~1941)

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Since September 18, 1931 of ‘Manchurian incident’ the anti-Japanese guerrilla in Manchuria, China formed a broad front of anti-Japanese national reunification and entered a new period of development. Since then on August 1, 1935 due to formation of a more specific anti-Japanese national reunification front proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China ‘Northeast People’s Revolutionary Army’ was changed into ‘Northeast anti-Japanese allied forces’. Northeast anti-Japanese allied forces were based in all 11 counties, in each of which Koreans were all active. Zhoubaozhong, the protagonist in the first term is the figure who had led the anti-Japanese armed struggle in Manchuria for 14 years by supervising the second-ro troops through the head of the fifth troops, Northeast anti-Japanese allied forces, overpassing a frontier of the Soviet Union, and serving as a brigadier general of ‘Training brigade, Northeast anti-Japanese allied forces’. A lot of Korean revolutionists resided in Yanbian region, Koreans’ main density built-up area, while even in Northern Manchuria Korean troop members joined the anti-Japanese armed struggle and continued to be active, too. Accordingly since the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War a lot of troop members within the second-ro troops were killed in action including ‘Panuitewujiang’ incident, among whom a considerable number of Korean members were included. In addition, Korean members were active as best ‘aides’ to Zhoubaozhong, such as security guard, secretary, etc. within the second-ro troops, Northeast anti-Japanese allied forces. The placement of Koreans as his best ‘aides’ by Zhoubaozhong seems to have been more focused on ‘Korean-Sino solidarity struggle’ than racial ‘preconceptions’.

1. 머리말

2. 周保中의 주요 활동

3. 제5군 조선인 대원들의 활동

4. 제4·7·8·10군 조선인 대원들의 활동

5. 맺음말

