최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일제강점기 서대문형무소 여수감자 현황과 특징

Status and Features of Female Prisoners at Seodaemun Prison during the Japanese Occupation Period

  • 216

This study examined status and features of imprisoned female independence activists at ‘Seodaemun prison’ a representative prison during the Japanese occupation period. For this purpose, the ‘prison record card’ containing various types of personal information such as name of prisoners, age, address and sentence was used. However, there are only 181 records for female prisoners at Seodaemun prison during the Japanese occupation period. Most prison record cards for female prisoners were destroyed and only 10% of the imprisoned female prisoners have their records. The result of analysis of the record on 181 female prisoners is as below. Firstly, Japan changed the form of prison record card according to the change of colonial operation system in order to reinforce the control of imprisoned figures by the independence movement. Secondly, as for the age at the imprisonment period, 10s were 64, 20s were 72, 30s were 22 and over 40s were 23. Thus, 10s and 20s accounted for 75.1%. It shows that 10s and 20s took majority in the participation of the independence movement. Thirdly, occupations of female prisoners varied including factory workers, office employees, nurses, pastors, missionaries and peddlers. It shows diversity of classes and diversity of political line in the independence movement of Korea. Fourthly, as for origin of birth, Seoul, Gyeonggi and Gangwon, adjacent regions to Seodaemun prison, accounted for the largest with 78. It was followed by Hamgyeongbuk-do with 32, which shows that women from the northern region participated in the independence movement progressively. Fifthly, some records on sentence and prison period in the prison record card by the prison authority during the Japanese occupation period are different from facts. Some recorded shorter period of imprisonment than actual imprisoned period and there were some cases of conditional release right before the death from torture or death from disease in order to avoid responsibilities. And, there were some cases of prolonged pending period to imprison more period than actual sentence. Those demonstrate a ‘severe punishment policy’ of the Japanese imperialism against the independence activists. The above analysis shows that participation of female independence activists in the independence movement was as active as that of male activists. And, female prisoners under ‘political offender’ had to take imprisoned life under strict supervision and suppression of the Japanese imperialism. However, there is still insufficient conferment of a decoration or study on female independence activists. It is expected to have activated interests and studies on them by taking this opportunity.

1. 머리말

2. 수형기록카드 분석

3. 수감 감옥과 연령·출신지역

4. 여수감자의 특징과 형량

5. 맺음말

