This study aimed to explore the performance differences in translating the present participle and the gerund functioning differently in the sentences into Korean. More specifically, it examined the discernment between the present participle and the gerund, both of which end with - ing. To that end, a total of 66 high school second year students as well as three AI translators (Papago, Google, and Kakao i) participated in the study. They translated six sentences having both the present participle in the present progressive tense and the gerund used as subject and subject complement in the sentences. One point was assigned to each sentence, implying the total score was 6, and the collected data were analyzed using the EXCEL program. One of the findings was that the students outperformed in translating the gerund, while the AI translators performed better in translating the present participle. Another finding was that the students and the AI translators employed varying wording for the same words and expressions in their translations. Another finding was that the types of register were varying in their translations. Given the intriguing findings, this study could be used as a guide for implementing translating activities and utilizing AI translators in English classroom.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Method
Ⅳ. Results and Discussion
Ⅴ. Conclusion and Implications