인간과 기계번역의 공존 패러다임 모색
Searching for the Coexistence Paradigm of Human Translator and Machine Translation : focusing on PBL-based Translation Practicum Class with AI Machine Translation Tools
This study comprehensively discusses the curriculum design, class operation process, the self-assessment results of instructor and learners, and educational effects of the PBL-based translation class for undergraduate foreign language majors, searching for the relationship between the collaboration of human translator and MT tools, which ultimately results in the enforcement of human translators’ competence. In the PBL-based translation classes using AI translation tools, the fact that separately massive efforts and activities of instructor and learners were more added in comparison with general class operation experience is necessary to reconsider in the perspective of the efficiency and effectiveness of class. In addition, with the development of MT tools and rapidly expanding of its general application area, it is expected that the experience in PBL-based class can be shared as a guideline for related curriculum design and its application in the future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. PBL 교육과정 설계
Ⅲ. PBL 강의 운영 및 프로젝트 수행 세부사항
Ⅳ. 결론