최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

학부 한중통역 교재 분석

On Evaluation of Chinese Interpretation Materials in Undergraduate School

DOI : 10.23903/kaited.2020.18.4.001
  • 193

This paper conducted an analysis to recognize the current status of interpretation education and problems related to the publication and use of textbooks and to find out the degree of compliance with the demand for undergraduate interpretation education in the four textbooks. First of all, regarding the goals and contents of the undergraduate interpretation education, unlike graduate schools, we should focus on basic introductions of interpretation and improvement of target language skills. It also pointed out that due to the limitations of the language ability and background knowledge of undergraduate learners, the focus should be on training that analyzing the contents of the text and deriving its meaning. Then we analyzed the composition, contents, and training methods of interpretation materials for undergraduates published in Korea. Through this, we could see that there is a gap between the reality of the professional interpretation and the reality of undergraduate interpretation education in the existing textbooks, and we could recognize that various approaches are needed to explain and introduce words and useful expressions.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 학부 통역교육의 목표 및 내용

Ⅲ. 교재 분석

Ⅳ. 결론

