최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

야스쿠니 문제의 국제화와 일본의 보수운동

Internationalization of the Yasukuni issue and the conservative movement in Japan : Focusing on the official visit of Prime Minister Nakasone

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2020.39.85
  • 157

本研究は、1985年に中曽根康弘首相が靖国神社を正式に訪問した時期を 扱っている。それ以来、靖国神社への靖国首相の訪問の問題は国際的な問 題に発展し、保守的な運動につながる。靖国神社問題は東アジアの歴史紛 争の重要な問題の1つであるが、1985年までは東アジアの観点から考えることが できなかった。そのため、日本政府は1978年に靖国神社に7人のA級戦争犯罪 者を合祀した。その後、中曽根首相が正式に靖国神社を訪問すると、国際社 会は日本人の歴史観を批判し始め、日本では中曽根首相の靖国神社参拝問 題と靖国問題に対する論争が始まった。日本の各新聞では、「近隣諸国への 配慮」や「靖国と国際社会」などの表現が見られるなど、靖国問題をもっと真剣 に受け止めた。韓国と中国では、A級戦争犯罪者が靖国神社に合祀される と、靖国神社への関心がさらに高まるとうになった。アジア諸国で批判の声が高 まるにつれ、靖国神社での崇拝の問題は国際的な問題になった。 一方、1990年代の日本の政治は、冷戦崩壊という国際情勢や、自民党の 長期執権の崩壊という国内情勢など、変化の過程であった。中曽根政権は、 「戦後政治の総決算決」をスローガンに、敗北により失われたよいところを回復さ せるという政策目標を提唱した。このような状況の中で、中曽根首相の靖国神 社参拝の問題は、国際的にも批判されているだけでなく、国内の訴訟へと広がっている。訴訟の結果は靖国神社の公式訪問の合憲性が疑われるところが あるにも関わらず、申し立てを判断する必要はなく、原告はいかなる権利または 利益も侵害されなかったとし、却下された。しかし、靖国訴訟は日本の保守派 を団結させた。最終的に、保守議員らは保守議員連盟を結成し、保守運動を 開始した。また、他の保守勢力と連帯して、教育の正常化、歴史教科書の編 集、新憲法の提唱など、強力な国民運動を展開し、日本の保守化に影響を 与えている。

This study deals with the time when Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (中曽根康弘) officially visited the Yasukuni Shrine in 1985. Since then, the issue of Prime Minister Yasuhiro’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has developed into an international issue and led to a conservative movement in Japan. The Yasukuni Shrine issue is one of the key issues in East Asia’s history conflicts, but until 1985, it was not viewed from an East Asian perspective. Nevertheless, the Japanese government incorporated seven A-class war criminals at Yasukuni Shrine in 1978. Then Prime Minister Nakasone was officially the Yasukuni. And the international community has begun to criticize the Japanese for their perception of history. Therefore, in Japan, the issue of official visit to Yasukuni Shrine by Prime Minister Nakasone and the Yasukuni issue began to be discussed simultaneously. In each Japanese newspaper, expressions such as “caring for neighboring countries” and “Yasukuni and the international community” appeared, taking the Yasukuni issue more seriously. In Korea and China, interest in Yasukuni Shrine increased even more when A-class war criminals were incorporated into Yasukuni Shrine. As the voices of criticism increased in Asian countries, the issue of worship at Yasukuni Shrine became an international issue. Meanwhile, Japanese politics in the 1990s was a process of transition from the international situation of the collapse of the Cold War to changes in the domestic situation such as the collapse of the LDP(自民 党)’s long-term power. The Nakasone regime advocated a policy goal of reviving the good things lost due to the defeat, with the slogan of “the total settlement of postwar politics”. Under such circumstances, the issue of Prime Minister Nakasone’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine has not only been criticized internationally, but has spread to domestic lawsuits. The result of the lawsuit was dismissed because there was a suspicion of the constitutionality of the official visit to Yasukuni Shrine, but there was no need to judge the allegation, and the plaintiffs were not infringed on any rights or interests. However, the Yasukuni lawsuit brought the conservatives of Japan to unite. Eventually, conservative members formed a Conservative Parliamentary League and launched a conservative movement. In addition, in solidarity with other conservative forces, it has been influencing the conservativeization of Japan by developing a strong national movement such as normalizing education, editing history textbooks, and advocating a new constitution.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 1980년대 야스쿠니신사 참배 문제의 국제화

Ⅲ. 야스쿠니 공식참배에 대한 소송문제

Ⅳ. 야스쿠니사관과 일본의 보수운동

Ⅴ. 맺음말
