1980년대 일본 보수운동의 형성과 나카소네 교육개혁
Formative Forces of Conservative Movement and Nakasone s Educational Reform : Historical and Political Implications of ‘Final Settlement of Post-war Politics’ in the 1980s in Japan
この研究の目的は1980年代の中曽根康弘内閣の教育改革の特徴と政治的 意味を説明するのだ。著者は中曽根の教育改革の二重性と日本社会と東アジ アの近隣諸国に対する歴史的、政治的意味を明らかにしようとした。中曽根の 教育改革は、保守主義と新自由主義性向を持った中曽根の政治ビジョンと統 治スタイルと緊密に連携した。中曽根の「戦後の政治総決算」という政治スロー ガンは、教育改革を通じて保守主義的新自由主義の総体的改革を達成する ための政治メカニズムとして機能した。これにより、中曽根教育改革は、1980年 代の日本社会と政治での保守運動を形成する動力の基盤を提供した。1980年 代の日本の保守運動は、その後、東アジアの歴史認識に否定的な遺産を残 す方向に展開された。
This study examines the key aspects and political significance of the educational reform during the era of the Nakasone Yasuhiro’s cabinet in the 1980s in Japan. It focuses on the dual aspects of the educational reform and its historical/political implications for Japanese society and East Asian neighboring countries. Nakasone’s educational reform was tightly related with his governing style and his political vision which was characterised as conservative and neo-liberal. This study illuminates that Nakasone’s policy slogan of the ‘Final Settlement of Post-war Politics’ was a political apparatus for the conservative and neo-liberal reform. The author argues that Nakasone’s educational reform leads to provide the foundation for the foramative forces of conservative movement in the 1980s’ Japanese society and politics. The development of conservative movement in 1980s’ Japan results in the negative legacy for the historical perception in the East Asia. sone’s educational reform was tightly related with his governing style and his political vision which was characterised as conservative and neo-liberal. This study illuminates that Nakasone’s policy slogan of the ‘Final Settlement of Post-war Politics’ was a political apparatus for the conservative and neo-liberal reform. The author argues that Nakasone’s educational reform leads to provide the foundation for the foramative forces of conservative movement in the 1980s’ Japanese society and politics. The development of conservative movement in 1980s’ Japan results in the negative legacy for the historical perception in the East Asia.
Ⅰ. 머리말: 나카소네 교육개혁의 양면성
Ⅱ. 1980년대 나카소네 수상 리더십과 보수혁명
Ⅲ. ‘전후 정치 총결산’과 교육기본법 개정 논리의 상보성
Ⅳ. 신자유주의 보수운동과 교육개혁의 전개
Ⅴ. 맺음말: 나카소네 교육개혁과 보수화의 유산