최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

조선족 변사 海元의 활동 분석을 통해서 본 1960년대 상반기 연변조선족 사회와 한반도와의 관계

A Study on the Relationship between the Chinese Korean Society in Yanbian and Korean Peninsula in Early 1960s as Viewed from Case of the Chinese Korean Film Interpreter Haewon

  • 37

For a long time after People’s Republic of China had been established, many Chinese ethnic minorities could not understand Chinese movies because of the language barriers. However Chinese Korean in Yanbian was able to understand those movies and watch them ever, since there were film interpreters who translate from Chinese to Korean. Their roots were people who had worked in Korea Peninsula during the Japanese colonial period and some of them had moved to the Manchukuo in Manchuria. Film interpreters in Yanbian inherited those Manchukuo interpreters’ job. In other words, the culture of Korean Peninsula was being kept in Yanbian in terms of film interpreter. For example, Haewon(海元), the famous film interpreter in China, praised Manchuria Chinese Korean anti-Japanese guerilla in 1930s and tried to inherit their activities. There are three backgrounds to let Haewon sympathized with them; first, the area Hae-won worked in is where anti-Japanese guerilla war occurred actively, second, Chinese Korean people, who lived the region where Haewon had been grown up, generally admired Korean anti-Japanese activists, third, Haewon’s older brother lived in the North Korea (DPRK). Based on those three elements, we could understand that the society of Chinese Korean in Yanbian and the society of the North Korea were close in early 1960s. In early 1960s, the Chinese Communists Party allowed Chinese Korean to watch not only Chinese movies but also North Korean movies. This was because China and North Korea were the societies which had similar aims of the propaganda. Additionally, Chinese Communists Party intended to utilize nationalism of Chinese Korean to rule the country. Moreover, since the relations with Soviet Union and USA were bad, Chinese Communists Party highly needed to unite with North Korea. The fact that North Korean movies were released to Chinese Korean shows that the relationship between North Korean society and Yanbian Chinese Korean society were very close each other in that time.

1. 머리말

2. 연변자치주 변사의 기원과 한반도의 변사

3. 해원의 재만조선인 항일투쟁사 인식과 계승의식

4. 해원이 상영한 북한 영화와 연변 조선족사회·북한과의 관계

5. 맺음말

