최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

張伯苓의 천진지역 한국독립운동 지원활동

Zhang Bo Ling’s Support for the Korean Independence Movement Activities in the Tianjin

  • 56

In China, Zhang Bo Ling of a Nankai junior high school and a Nankai university was a very prominent educator, and a patriot. After Zhang Bo Ling encountered Koreans through the Nankai university, the Korean foreign students supported positively the independent activist who worked, in Tianjin. It will be as follows Zhang Bo Ling became interested in the korean students through Park Yong Tae and helped them solved their administrations and tuition problems. He also permitted the creation of the korean students association. Second, while his concern about the life and education of the korean students in his school was gradually expanding he became interested in the independence movement led by Park Yong Tae and other independent movements he introduced in Tianjin. Third, As he was been observed by the japanese for his support of the anti japanese student movement, he indirectly supported them through the help of the Christianity organization and the American missionary. In other words he became the mediator between the christian organizations and the anti-japanese student movement in Tianjin. He also introduced numerous helping groups to help them in their independence movement. Fourth, Zhang Bo Ling contacted An Chang Ho who was a member of the provisional government who later on became the main figure in providing further assistance to the korean students regarding their admission and tuition problems.

1. 머리말

2. 장백령의 생애 및 한인 인식

3. 천진지역 한국독립운동 지원활동

4. 맺음말

