On April 6th 1920, as Far Eastern Republic was established in Irkytsk, Civil War in Siberia entered the new phase. Japanese army, the only survived forces among the Imperialistic interventionists, retreated to southern part of the Maritime province. It resulted in forminga sanctuary between Iman and Spask and caused the stalemate of the civil war. Eventually, this stalemate was broken as soon as the White Guard Army which was supported by Japanese Army started to take over regions beyond the sanctuary. It was a trigger for starting Civil War in Russian Far East, the last phase of Siberian Civil War. At that time, there was Korean Volunteer Army which consisted of three troops in Iman. On December 4th 1921, the defensive battle took place by the second troop led by Han Un-yong to protect Iman. In this battle, there were only three survivors from that troop while the estimated loss of the White Army was over 600 people. Thanks to the heroic death of Han’s troop, other Armies could safely retreat to the rear. Since then, People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic withdrew to station In through Khabarovsk. However, this withdrawal did not last long. Soon they counterattacked and won Iman back. During these fierce battles, Korean Volunteer Army made the remarkable contribution in many battles such as battle in Volochaevka. Also, during the Civil War in Russian Far East, Korean Partisan units from Suifen and Suchan made significant gains by collaborating with Russian Partisan troops in the battle against the White Army supported by Japanese Army. As you can see, Korean Volunteer Army and Korean Partisan units played the critical role during the Civil War in Russian Far East which is regarded as the last phase of Siberian Civil War. Especially, the achievements that Korean troops gained during the battle against Japanese Army and the White Army from the late 1921 to end of 1922 could stand beside to the great victory of Independence troop in both Bong-o-dong and Chong-san-ri battles in 1920. Also, their remarkable contribution for Soviet Red Army to win in Civil War in Russian Far East set the milestone for Korean society to develop in the Maritime province since then.
1. 머리말
2. 원동해방전쟁 당시 연해주지역의 한인무장부대
3. 대한의용군의 원동해방전쟁 참가
4. 원동해방전쟁에서 한인부대의 활약
5. 맺음말