최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

勉菴 崔益鉉의 상소 항일투쟁과 그 역사적 의의

The Letter of Choi Ik-hyeon in Historical Context

  • 120

Choi Ik-heyon is iconic figure in Modern Korean history. His unshakable devotion and patriotism represents traditional, Korean nobbles-oblige. He left major footprints in history with three major political events. First, As renowned local Confucian, Choi made audacious attempts to bring down ruling monarch by criticizing failed policies. in 1873, he succeeded in impeachment of Dae-Won-Goon, who was reformative ruler. Second, in 1876, Choi fiercely opposed Trade with foreign power. Lastly, as leader of righteous army, he sacrificed his life for country. He resisted japanese invasion with his death. In typical Seonbi spirit, one’s faith shouldn’t be compromised and he must protect integrity of his will at all cost. Imperial Japan who just claimed victory in war with Russia, was rising star in Asia. At the time, Japanese formidable military power had been creeping in Korea and Choi exactly recognized the greatness of his enemy. Though he never stopped. In 1905, he wrote letter to emperor, accusing Japan as serious threat to national security and even existence. Eventually he got imprisoned and sent to Command Centre of Japanese Military Police two times. His heroic act was broadcasted to public by newspaper. Especially, Choi’s letter to emperor and his feedback laced a huge portion of paper and brought him huge fame. With this single incident, He successfully transformed to the leader of Korean nationalism from local Imam. Not only he is nationalistic figure, but he was spiritual guru. Many years of study made him possible to affect people’s mind to great extent. Indeed death of respected figure, shocked society and triggered significant resistance against Japan.

1. 머리말

2. 강화도조약 반대 상소

3. 갑오경장 반대 상소

4. 러일전쟁기 일제침략 규탄 상소

5. 맺음말

