최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

전시체제기(1937∼1945) 조선주둔일본군의 陸軍 兵事部 설치와 역할

Display System-based Korean Army Soldier Stationed in Parts of the Installation and the Role of the Japanese Military

  • 95

Japan 1931 ‘Manchurian Incident’, the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, losing to 1941 Asia-Pacific War broadened the scope of the war of aggression. Koreans in Japan under these circumstances the Japanese troops were mobilized as a resource. Government-General of Korea during the Joseon troops mobilized troops mobilized Koreans, with the subject of the Japanese army stationed in Korea is emerging as one would. ‘Manchurian Incident’, bounded by the Japanese army stationed in Korea Korea’s role is responsible for the defense of the Soviet army in the forefront of the rear Kwantung Army, the Japanese invasion of the continent as a logistical base and its emphasis on the role went to change. Thus, the Japanese army stationed in Korea right display system underwent reorganization of agencies, patriotic part(愛國部), media part(報道部), military affairs part(兵事部), resources part(資源班), military affairs(兵務部). From the Japanese soldiers stationed in Korea at the time of installation was not installed separately, secretary organization was characterized. So, the Japanese army stationed in Korea in the War Department continued to demand the installation of soldier affairs agency to agency envisioned. This initiative was realized after the 1939 creation of military affairs part(兵事部), Koreans Army soldiers blowing up a volunteer militia with follow-up measures of the system part of the enforcement initiative with the Department, but only military affairs part(兵事部) was established in 1939.6. Department unit that was installed after the soldier differentiation, expanding the role As muster of soldiers and veterans from the Secretary of Defense in history, youth drill as responsible for the spread of its importance as an institution has been extended. After Installed, military affairs part(兵事部) act mobilization work. Military affairs part later installed since 1939 Army soldiers blowing up a volunteer scheme was conducted. Draft of the section to be a police officer was responsible for the inspection area. The detailed schedule delivery, draft test director, was in charge of the province by the end conscription examination. Also in the range of Japanese, Koreans, Korea Koreans in Japan was the mobilization of soldiers and students. Mobilized troops thus formed the basis of the structure of the draft was military affairs part (兵事部) to mobilize the troops were running. Thus, the Japanese army stationed in Korea Koreans directly affected. Government-General of Korea, including the mobilization of troops was also the subject of one. This context, the forces mobilized Koreans who have the following structure in the center part Japanese soldier stationed in Korea were formed. In other words, the Japanese military forces stationed in Korea during the process of mobilizing policy specifically intervened. Thus, system-based exhibition of Japanese domination of Korea Government-General of Korea was held in cooperation with the Japanese army stationed in Korea.

1. 머리말

2. 병력동원체계의 구축과 육군 병사부의 설치

3. 병력동원구조의 변화와 육군 병사부

의 역할

4. 맺음말

