This thesis conducts case studies on the major activities and roundups of various, new small religious organizations which were active domestically during the war basis under Japanese imperialism (1937~45), and captures the character of their activities. The first and foremost reason for having various religious bodies can be ascribed to the accumulation of social contradictions. After the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War in 1937 in particular, the people of Joseon got to suffer from more hardships of life due to the heavier economic plundering and compulsory mobilization of labor force. The tightened control over the new religions during the war footing in particular appears to have several motives at the back: they are (1) strengthening of thought control after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, (2) clamping of new religions in Japan’s homeland, (3) publication of Analogous Religions of Joseon, and (4) the Baekbaekgyo case. Among the new religious organizations that were rounded up after 1937, there are different types, i.e. the type of antisocial heresy, and the type of aiming at independance. They argued for the defeat of Japanese imperialism and the ndependence of Joseon under the flag of nationalism. They carried out a ceremony wishing for independence, planned for raising funds for independence, instilled nationalism into the believers, and resisted imperialist Japan. The Joseon public participated in this type of new religious organizations with nationalism, and it shows that they had aspiration for independence and resistance to Japanese imperialism. They accorded their anti-Japanese imperialism with the ‘claim’ of new religious organizations. The public’s anti-Japanese sentiment and desire for independence, in tandem with religious groups, even influenced on forming of secret societies. Therefore, the new religious organizations during the war footing were not merely a social phenomenon, but appeared owing to the Joseon public’s desire and resistance to imperialist Japan. It is significant that the public, as a historical mainstay, showed their will to resist through new religious bodies, which in turn put on nationalism.
1. 머리말
2. 전시체제기 신종교단체의 현황
3. 조선총독부의 신종교단체 인식과 단속
4. 전시체제기 검거된 신종교단체의 성격
5. 맺음말