최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 한국 농촌의 肥料 실황과 일제의 肥料取締令 시행

Situation of Korean Rural Fertilizer in 1920s and Japan’s Enforcement of Fertilizer Control and Regulation

  • 47

As a part of intensifying its colonial policy over the Chosŏn Dynasty, Japan enforced the Order of Fertilizer Control and Regulation(肥料取締令) in Aug. 1927. In fact, Japan thoroughly prepared it in advance by having a scientific analysis about the ingredients of fertilizer performed by the Office of Encouragement of Industry in Suwon. Not only fertilizer imported or brought into the Chosŏn Dynasty but also the one produced within the Chosŏn were targets of the analysis. As a result, ‘Table of Mean Component for Major Fertilizer’ was provided as a criterion of the enforcement. According to this table, a variety of ingredients were shown to be used as a fertilizer in 1920s including animal’s meat and hair as well as their bones and flesh. In addition to this, night soils were collected from not only human but also those from chicken, pig, cow, horse along with their barn manure and dried blood. In fact, this proved that the scope and target of the order included chemical fertilizer imported or brought into the Chosŏn as well as traditional manure. While the purpose of the enforcement seemed to benefit the farmers of the Chosŏn by removing and controlling illegal and adverse fertilizer, it was another initiative to support the enforcement of the Plan of Increase Rice Production, followed by the Land Investigation Project. On top of that, as the amount of imported chemical fertilizers was increased, through the enforcement, Japan wanted to prevent distribution of low-quality and adulterated fertilizer. To sum up, as the consumption of fertilizer in rural Korea increased in 1920s, especially the relative amount of chemical fertilizer used, Japan attempt to control it through the Japanese Government General of Korea by enforcing the Order of Fertilizer Control and Regulation. Thus, it was clear that the ultimate purpose of this enforcement was intended not only to venture Japan’s own fertilizer vendors into the Chosŏn Dynasty but also to secure their smooth activities in the Dynasty.

1. 머리말

2. 1920년대 한국 농촌의 肥料 실황:『主要肥料平均成分表』분석

3. 일제의 肥料取締令 시행 목적과 배경

4. 신문 보도 내용에 나타난 肥料取締令施行의 추이

5. 맺음말

