최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

해방 후 국어학계의 분열과 대립

Language Nationalism and Scientific Linguistic after the Liberation

  • 64

This article is to explain how the divisions between language nationalists and scientific linguists during Japan colonial period were carried over the language policy and leadership competition in the academia of Korean language after the liberation. After the liberation, the two had been shown to coexist for a short term even though they had a different set of values for language. However, it did not last long. They had distinctly different stances for the language, ethnic groups or relationship between language and society. Therefore Both sides started to struggled for the leadership in the education and study for the korean after that. An acute their conflict started, to make matters worse, it is not over yet and hold out in any sense still. The language nationalists, who were carrying on the hangul movement that began by Ju, Si kyung, recognized that the here and hereafter of the country prosperity depends on keeping and elaborating Hangul. So they would be trying to actively involve in real national linguistic life. They tried to set the language standard and loanword orthography. For those reasons, they got into the government agencies and took charge of language policy. They made some turning point of which korean got out of antecedent chinese language area by achieving the exclusive usage of Hangul and horizontal writing of it. Contrastively, the scientific linguists, who majored in Chosŏn Language and Literature under Japanese scholars at Kyŏngsŏng Imperial University, did not agree with language nationalists. They denied a normative law of languages, which is a different view point from language nationalists’. They strenuously insisted that the linguistic should not intervene into real language life at all. Whenever they criticized the language nationalism, they claimed to stand for science. To put it simply, the core of variances was on how the relationship between linguistic and practical language set. They split into two factions by choosing whether they had to involve in setting language standard through ‘the Hangul movement’ or leave it as it is because language simply should be an object of study. By the way, the science which scientific linguistics used was merely a showy word for the sense of superiority from Kyŏngsŏng Imperial University graduate. They used it to non Kyongsong Imperial University graduate in order to show that they held prominent positions. Those kinds of fancy words are being reproduced constantly by the graduates from Korean language and literature Korean language education at Seoul National University, which is connected to Chosŏn Language and Literature at Kyŏngg Imperial University

1. 머리말

2. 해방 이전 언어민족주의와 과학적 언어학의 흐름

3. 해방정국기 언어민족주의와 과학적 언어학의 불안한 동거

4. 언어민족주의와 과학적 언어학의 대립

5. 맺음말

