최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1930년대 서대문형무소의 일상

Prison Life of Seodaemun Prison in 1930s

  • 251

This study examined features of imprisoned persons at Seodaemun Prison in 1930s that was installed during the Japanese imperialists’ invasion in 1908 focusing on their daily life such as wearing, eating and other routines. Seodaemun Prison accommodated political offender and prisoners were mainly Independence activist. Since its inception, Seodaemun Prison had been expanded its facilities along with the increase of Independence activist. Upon the completion of Guchiso[house of detention] in June 1935, it became the largest jail in the country. By separating detention of political offender in this Guchiso[house of detention], they executed thorough separation policy from the public. Food supply became a crucial matter in 1930s. Prisoners suffered from hunger because of difficulties of food procurement as Japan expanded the war line toward China and above. Since there was no proper cooling or heating facilities in the prison, prisoners suffered from hot weather in summer and cold weather in winter severely. Furthermore, there was no toilet, and they had to empty their bowel in a bucket with a cover. And, as there was no sufficient cloth distribution, many had to buy cloths by themselves. Meanwhile, no dialogue was allowed in the prison between prisoners and they had to observe strict rules of criminal administration. However, they exchanged information through codified communication which was arranged in secret. This is called ‘Tongbang’ that communicates to each other by knocking wall between prison rooms. The Japanese imperialists executed so called ‘progressive treatment system’ that granted a kind of benefit to exemplary prisoners from the later 1930s in order to separate conforming prisoners from non-conforming prisoners for effective control. And, they covered majority of prison budget in Korea by exploiting labor force of prisoners through prison labor. Such operation of Seodaemun Prison by the Japanese imperialism played in important role in efficient colonial control by separating opposite and resistance groups–Independence activist-from society and by converting some of them to be cooperative to the Japanese imperialists.

1. 머리말

2. 서대문형무소의 확장

3. 감옥의 일상

4. 수감자 처우

5. 맺음말

