This thesis is the narcotic problems at a nation building process after the liberation of Korea. That researches outline is as the following. Under the rule of Japanese imperialism, Morphia refined from opium was used for a medicine to people as well. Furthermore Japan employed a generous policy on opium, so a lot of people were addicted by opim. But they were regarded as a criminal, a social evil, in a special situation of nation building after liberalization. they also were treated as a group disturbing nation building in a time of establishing a united nation of people. Therefore, they did not offer a social opportunity to protection. At this era, even though state had a social conscience of drug problem from the liberalization through 1950s, she could not deal with the drug problem specifically and positively, because of the war and the struggle of ideology between south and north, because of a historical matter like a nation reconstruction after war, because of a trouble building up the basic health problem. Therefore, emphasized to duty of human’s conscience and social moral principle problem that do not take narcotic. After this in 1961, Soldier’s a coup d’État government moved more actively by target of ‘Produce healthy people’ for the first time. And problem of narcotism was obstacle to inflect man power of the country by maximum in the side of an economic policy. Therefore, that was opposed to ‘Nation’ in country’s necessary. With the advent of Methadone crisis causing a social problem, park’ administration enforced the control of state about the drug abuse of common people in the name of a sound citizen. The narcotic control policy of park administration showed an increasing role of state about the production and usage of narcotic. It also showed a decreasing role of self regulation of society. Citizens gave state a right of use of drug. Instead a right to enjoy the high level public healthy and medical system state supplies was given to citizens. But narcotic addicts refused to give up using narcotic as a duty of a citizen. As a result of that, they could not get any protection of state. State made a social role and status of everyone, regardless of the controlled or the controller, about drug control, enlarging the power of drug control step by step. So to speak, state began to warn the narcotic addicts socially and ethically in a time of liberalization. In the end, after the war came to an end, she treated them as a social evil. On the one hand, in a institutional point of view, state made a narcotic act in 1957 to support span of state control. And began to enforce the control with the beginning of a law of punishment of a special crime established in 1961. After that time, state expanded the span of its control with the act of habitually used medicine management, made because of so called a Methadone crisis, with the act of Marijuana management, made because of a result of increase of hemp. In this process, a narcotic problem was made and treated after the style and necessity of state power.
1. 머리말
2. 『마약법』제정과 정부의 인식
3. 1960~1970년대 마약문제와 통제 강화
4. 맺음말