Kim-ku(金九) had ever earnestly requested in Baekbeom Ilji(白凡逸志) that he felt sad about Independence movement and family history of father and son, Lee Myeong-ok, Lee Hyo-sang, so descendents memorize their achievements after the restoration of independence. There is belated regret but this study tried to restore their family history which had been forgotten. Lee Myeong-ok was born in Geumcheon, Hwanghaedo in 1896. He was an ordinary youth in a colony until 3·1 movement in 1919. An opportunity to bring a great change to his life was 3·1 movement. He exiled to Shanghai in 1922 where Korean Provisional Government was through Manchuria to avoid arrest by Japan. He did independence movement in Shanghai while learning industrial technology etc. While he worked for English tram car company in Shanghai as a ticket examiner, he came to live a stable life to some degree. So, he let his wife, daughter Sang-ae, and son Hyo-sang come to Shanghai to stay together there. At the same time he was active in independence movement. He had got along with Kim-ku who was born in Hwanghaedo like Lee Myeong-ok since he came to Shanghai. Especially, he carried out a mission that he invited Korean youth and sent them to Korean special class in China military school - after Yun Bong-gil’s historic deed on April, 1932, the admission was possible by Kim-ku’s interview with Chiang Kai-shek of China. He was arrested by Japanese police in Shanghai because of this activity. Lee Hyo-sang, the son of Lee Myeong-ok showed strong hatred against Japan from childhood. Kim-ku, a hero of Chihapo accident was his role model. After his father was arrested in 1935, he joined an organization for independence movement in Nanjing without reluctance, entered China military school, and finished military training. In October, 1938, he joined Korean Volunteer Corps which was founded as an armed forces body for the first time in the area. As he was a brave member, he was titled as ‘model boy soldier’. He was sent to Shanghai as a member of independent squad in 1941 and developed activity to maneuver in the rear of enemy. While he invited Korean youth who join maneuvering of Korean Volunteer Corps, he was arrested by Japanese police in Shanghai. His mother died of a disease caused by shock to hear the news. Lee Hyo-sang also passed away by physical pain just after being arrested and mental shock caused by misfortune of family. Where and how he passed away can be guessed only because there are no concrete materials related. His death and tough family history were known to Korean society in Shanghai and Chongqing then times verbally and developed to myth of independence movement. Independence movement of father and son, Lee Myeong-ok, Lee Hyo-sang, and myth of the family history were a historical product born from limitation in space then times, addition or reduction to content in the course of verbal transmission, hope from independence movement group who waited for a hero etc.
1. 머리말
2. 李溟玉의 上海 망명과 독립운동
3. 李孝相의 朝鮮義勇隊 활동과 순국
4. 맺음말