노인 코로나바이러스감염병-19의 최신 치료 경향
Current Treatments of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Elderly
- 대한임상노인의학회
- 대한임상노인의학회지
- 대한임상노인의학회지 제21권 제2호
- 2020.12
- 54 - 64 (11 pages)
Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) shows higher severity and mortality rate in the elderly over 65 and people with underlying diseases. Since interactions among various underlying diseases make the treatment difficult, it is necessary to consider the severity and underlying diseases of the elderly patients in having their COVID-19 treated. The treatments of COVID-19 include the prevention of complications and the treatment of underlying diseases in addition to oxygen therapy, antiviral therapy, and the administration of immunosuppresants according to the severity. After discharge, for two weeks after the complete recovery from COVID-19, the medical team’s follow-up monitoring is required.
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