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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

上海시기 玉觀彬 밀정설에 대한 비판적 검토

Critical Review of the Ok Guan-bin Secret Spy Suspicion in the Shanghai Era of Independence Movement

  • 35

Due to young patriot Ok Guan-bin, famous for the 105-personnel incident, took asylum in Shanghai, where he was made to be implicated in a secret spy suspicion and was finally killed by an Independence Movement group. The suspicion over Ok Guan-bin secret agent traces back to around 1915 when he was released after serving a four-year term in prison due to involvement in the 105 Personnel Incident in Korea. The secret agent suspicion arose from the fact that while imprisoned, he was orchestrated by the Imperial Japanese to declare ideological transfer together with Yun Chi-ho, An Tae-guk and Yang Gi-tak, and that after released from the prison, he worked with a Japanese company. After March 1, 1919Independence Movement incident, Ok Guan-bin arrived in Shangahi, he was suspected as a secret spy of the Japanese Government of Korea. It would not be denied that such suspicion was raised due to the excessive political struggle and regionalism of independence activists operating in Shanghai. Many independence activists gathered in Shanghai, and they had to get involved in conflicts due to different regions from which they came, and different political lines. They suspected people from different regions or with different political lines as secret agents. Also, Ok Guan-bin with outstanding competence and strong showmanship created many enemies. This led Ok Guan-bin to be attacked as a secret spy for Japanese by his opponents. Although Ok Guan-bin was engrossed in businesses and religious activities, distancing himself from Independence Movements, except for the early period of Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shaghai, there is no evidence to prove that he had reason or motivation to be a secret spy. A Korean Anarchist group, after Ok Guan-bin died, disclosed his crime, but no direct evidences for such insistence can be found. Ok Guan-bin refused their request to provide funds for their Independence Movements, and openly criticized their excessive revolutionary line, thereby probably leading them to falsely brand him as a secret agent. The process of Ok Guan-bin being suspected as a secret agent and made as such shows the stark reality of the political struggle and regionalism within the Shanghai Independence Movement camp. Also, he was probably falsely branded as a secret agent as he refused to provide Independence Movement fund to Independence Movement groups, amid conflicts surrounding independence activities, leading them to condemn him. The secret spy suspicion surrounding Ok Guan-bin and his assassination reveal the complicatedness of the Shanghai Korean Society and Independence Movement camp.

1. 머리말

2. 옥관빈 밀정설에 대한 논란

3. 옥관빈 암살을 둘러싼 논란

4. 맺음말

