Kim, Sun-Ae is one of the typical Korean women who devoted themselves to the national independence movement in the colonial period. She was born in Sorae town, Jangyeon-gun, Hwanghae province and brought up to the Christian faith. She got to have a firm patriotic will to enlighten Korean women when she was educated at Joengshin girls’ school. After graduation in 1909, she became a teacher and instilled national consciousness at Chorang elementary school in Busan. Such patriotic educational activities by her were discovered by Japan and so she had to flee to China. In China, she helped her brother, Kim Pil-sun who lived in exile since he was pursued by Japan on the charge of his liberation movement as a member of Korean independence movement. She entered the Myongdok girls’ school in Nanjing, China in 1915 and trained herself to be a feamle national leader. She got married to Kim, Gyu-sik on January in 1919 and became a member of New Korean Youth Party (Sinhanchungnyundang). Thereafter she became dedicated herself to the Korean independence movement. The New Korean Youth Party planned to dispatch a representative to the Peace Conference at Paris in 1919 and to hold a domestic rally against Japanese colonialism. For this program, she stole into Busan, Korea with other members of the New Korean Youth Party. These activities led by Kim gave a great influence on the outbreak of the March 1st Independence movement. She gave her full support to the Korean Provisional government (KPG) which was established on April 1919. For example, she organized such patriotic groups as Korean Women’s Patriotic Society(Daehan Aeguk Buinhoe), the Korea National Red Cross (KNRC), Korean Female Young Alliance, the Reconstruction Korea Women s Patriotic Association etc to support the Korean Provisional Government. It is a historical significance that Kim, Sun-Ae fulfilled the role of a supportive wife for the KPG in many different aspects. Kim, Sun-Ae was a female independence activist based upon China for 30 years. It is prominent that she was a supportive wife for her husband who was an independence fighter as well as she herself entered the nationalism movement. Furthermore, she played an important role as a diplomat with her foreign language skills for the national independence. She gave lively lectures to request the international support for the Korean liberation. Besides, Kim, Sun-Ae was a female international specialist who analyzed the international situation of those days and so she emphasized international unity beyond solidarity between Korean women to oppose fascist forces.
1. 머리말
2. 가계와 청년시절의 수학
3. 중국 망명과 신한청년당 활동
4. 大韓愛國婦人會 조직과 활동
5. 대한민국임시정부 지원단체의 조직과 활동
6. 맺음말