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KCI등재 학술저널

미군정기 대전지역의 정치 동향과 국가건설운동

The Political Trend and Nation Building Movement in Daejeon Area during the U.S. Military Government Period

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In Daejeon area right after liberation, the left and right forces were united to organize the National Foundation Preparation Committee and set out the nation building movement being active in security tasks and food rations. Both forces, however, were splitted before the occupation of the U.S, Army. The U.S. military government carried out the policy that oppressed the activity of the leftists and supported the rightists. Encouraged by this, the rightists organized for the first time a political body and kicked off activity. With the decision of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers in December 1945, the leftists and rightists were divided into the position of anti- and pro-trusteeship and antagonistic to each other on full-scale. The rightists were active based on the anti-trusteeship movement and settled down as a political force with the support from the U.S. military government. On the other hand, the leftists saw their main figures being arrested by the oppression of the U.S. military government and their activity was greatly declined. After the U.S.-Soviet Joint Commission resumed in 1947, the leftist force waged an all-out campaign to establish the provisional democratic government, but in vain. Moreover, the large scale oppression of the U.S. military government shrunk considerably the activity of the leftist force. On the other hand, the rightist force extended its basis carrying out anti-trusteeship movement and concentrated on attacking the leftist force. As the UN’s decision on the exclusive election in South Korea in February 1948 visualized the division, the moderates and part of rightist force united to urge the holding of South and North political organization representatives’ meeting and to be active in establishing the unified government. The leftists were against the exclusive election in South Korea, went on strike and deployed the activity to cancel the election by force. On the other hand, the rightists actively supported the exclusive election taking part in the election. In the end, the leftist force during the U.S. military government weakened as time passed by due to the reckless struggle and the oppression. The rightists, however, were active through the political party they formed and went to establish the political landscape to their advantage.

1. 머리말

2. 해방 직후 건국 준비와 군정의 실시

3. 신탁 통치 논쟁과 좌우 세력의 대립

4. 미소공동위원회의 결렬과 테러의 일상화

5. 5·10선거와 단독정부의 수립

6. 맺음말

