최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

북접농민군의 보은 도착과 북실전투

Arrival of the Bukjob-Peasant Army at Boeun and the Combat in Boeun Buksil

  • 35

This article is about the long exhausting march that the Bukjob-Peasant Army. made toward Boeun, their final destination and the ensuing battles. On December 13, 1894, the Bukjob-Peasant Army won the combat with invading Japanese army in the battle of Yeongdong Yongsan, and were moving northward to Boeun where there was no longer a sanctuary. The soldiers of Jangwiyoung(壯衛營), a military unit of the capital, destroyed Jangnaeri(帳內里) completely which was a home ground of the Donghak in the past few years. The Bukjob-Peasant Army headed to the downtown of Boeun with exasperation, and they destroyed the downtown of Boeun. Then they went to Buksil, a large village, and took a break. It was here that the Japanese army and Sangju(尙州) anti-donghak militia raided the Bukjob-Peasant Army’s camp. It was December 17, 1894. The unilateral battle left no less than 393 people dead. According to another archive writes that, besides these, nearly 2,200 people perished. The rest fled in a hurry.

1. 머리말

2. 북접농민군의 보은 도착과 문바위

3. 상주 유격병과 일본군의 북접농민군 추격

4. 북실전투

5. 맺는말

