최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

전시체제기(1937~1945년) 일제의 농촌통제정책과 그 실상

Japanese Empire s Rural Regulation Policies and the Enforcement During the Wartime : Focusing on the Case of Mok-meon, Cheng-yang County, Chung Nam Province

  • 146

The purpose of the research is to examine the Japanese Empire s rural regulation policies at Mok-meon area during the Wartime. At Mok-meon area, the league of villag and patriotic groups were organized when the national spirit mobilization projects had been enforced. 29 the league of villag were organized at Mok-meon area, but 16were left when the national total strength movement were begun. In 1941, there were 85 patriotic groups, but there were almost no changes after the national total strength movement. The patriotic groups was a basic unit of wartime mobilization and control of rural areas, and parades of the patriotic groups were enforced at Mok-meon area. The directors of league of villag and foremen of patriotic groups should participate in every meeting and ceremonies such as hoisting national flag, singing national anthem, Shinto shrine worship, worshiping from afar and silent tribute. People at Mok-meon area were mobilized and should participate in ceremonies such as the day of japanese army and memorial day At Mok-meon, various regulation were enforced on clothes, foods, housing, ceremonies and social trend based on the Living Standards for Emergency. These regulation were related economic frugality, color of clothes, increasing productivity, ceremony of marriage, funeral and ancestor memorial. These regulation were enforced for the purpose of improving living conditions, but the real purpose were to strength the wartime and secure war materials. The Japanese government had organized the league of village and patriotic groups to regulate people of Mok-meon, but it failed to make people of Mok-meon to cooperate to the wartime. The patriotic groups of Mok-meon were not activated, and people at Mok-meon did not participate in ceremonies such as Shinto shrine worship and silent tribute except formal ceremonies. Also over 20% of people did not change their names. Japanese regulation policies were resulted on resistance of people at Mok-meon.

1. 머리말

2. 목면의 전시동원조직 설치와 통제체제 구축

3. 목면의 통제정책과 실상

4. 맺음말

