This paper is written as a supplementary paper of “A study to discover Shin Chae-ho’s articles in Chinese Newspapers.” In fact, the earlier paper has certainly a critical problem, but the new research on this could not yet be continued. The main causes for this case can be summarize as difficult to access the materials, difficult to do the comparative analyse with Danjae’s works and difficult to find the right solution for the critical section in the work etc. Danjae’s articles are not different from Park’s articles from the aspect of thought and style. In this paper, I drew a conclusion that Tson-Hua Newspaper’s journalist Park was Danjae through the stylistic approach. Danjae published the countless articles in the Tson-Hua Newspaper. There was no choice other than to limited Dajae identity in Tson-Hua Newspaper, and he could not be independent from the perspective of China and Chinese newspapers. Jeong In-bo’s expression, “Danjae sold his writing” was derived from this aspect. Therefore, Korean Danjae is different from a journalist Danjae of Chinese newspaper. Danjae appears constantly to make aware the Chinese people about Chinese government’s stratagem and Japanese aggressive ambition. I have delved the works of “Wu zhihui” and “Zhang Jiluan” who were involved in the Tson-Hua Newspaper, but could not yet find any documents regarding Danjae. However, there are many other journalists who were also involved in the Tson-Hua Newspaper. The documents related to Danjae will be discovered through those people. Moreover, it seems that “record of trails(R/T)” and estreat on Danjae are kept in the Lüshun Archives and the Liaoning Archives. I hope that there are those documents which clear the fact of Danjae’s relation with Tson-Hua Newspaper.
1. 머리말
2. 기존 논의의 보완
3. 문제론적 접근
4. 쟁점 해명: 박과 단재
5. 맺음말