This study aims to explain the establishment and development of ‘Gold Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’ by the Government-General under Japanese Colonial Rule. To provide Japan with gold as the means of international payment, the Government-General devised ‘the Five Year Gold Production Plan in Korea’ in 1937. The Government-General set up lofty goals with no confidence of achieving them in order to receive a large inflow of Japanese capital and technology. In 1939, this five year plan became the part of the Japanese Government’s ‘Yen Bloc Gold Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’ and ‘Yen Bloc Material Mobilization Plan’. Without proper process for modification, the Yen Bloc Plans proved to be too difficult to be implemented. The Government-General also attempted to establish a company to finance the gold-mining industry, but it ended up in failure. Instead, the GovernmentGeneral secured rights for ordering and monitoring the Korean office of ‘the Japanese Gold Production Promoting Company Inc.’ Following the outbreak of the Pacific War, the gold-mining industry in Korea was excluded from any wartime plans, including ‘Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’. But concerning how the withdrawal of the gold-mining industry would affect colonial rule, the Government-General tried to expand compensations for closing mines. In the end, however, mining companies were hit hard by the reforms.